Cornelius Tacitus

We need not make the same fatuous mouth-noises about bias every time a piece of culture addresses a controversial issue. It is not "biased" to believe that p is the case, rather than not-p, nor is it "biased" to give your reasons for believing p without rehearsing the other side's view for them.

We need not make the same fatuous mouth-noises about bias every time a piece of culture addresses a controversial issue. It is not "biased" to believe that p is the case, rather than not-p, nor is it "biased" to give your reasons for believing p without rehearsing the other side's view for them.

"…making the show part of the school in the same way the school was part of the show."

Yes, both those arguments are stupid, which is probably why no one has ever made them (you sure don't link to anyone who did) and you probably made them up as straw-men so you could seem above it all.

Yes, both those arguments are stupid, which is probably why no one has ever made them (you sure don't link to anyone who did) and you probably made them up as straw-men so you could seem above it all.

Transformers 2 comes pretty damn close.

Transformers 2 comes pretty damn close.

Hurrah! More crypto-fascism from Christopher Nolan.

Hurrah! More crypto-fascism from Christopher Nolan.

Does Bardem ever say "call it, friend-o?" Not sure if that would make me want to see the movie more or less (I'm pretty excited as it is; Quantum of Solace was a ridiculous mess, but Casino Royale is still great to watch).

Does Bardem ever say "call it, friend-o?" Not sure if that would make me want to see the movie more or less (I'm pretty excited as it is; Quantum of Solace was a ridiculous mess, but Casino Royale is still great to watch).

He's a hell of a writer. Does anyone know of (or can recommend) any published work of his? Does he have a collection of his feature-writing, or something?

He's a hell of a writer. Does anyone know of (or can recommend) any published work of his? Does he have a collection of his feature-writing, or something?

Never understood the criticism about the non-jumbled plot's lack of inherent complexity. Playing around with chronology and presentation is a modern aesthetic hallmark, and it's part of the experience.

Never understood the criticism about the non-jumbled plot's lack of inherent complexity. Playing around with chronology and presentation is a modern aesthetic hallmark, and it's part of the experience.

I last saw Bubba Hotep nearly 8 years ago and I still think about it sometimes. I'll definitely see this when it becomes trivially convenient to do so.

I last saw Bubba Hotep nearly 8 years ago and I still think about it sometimes. I'll definitely see this when it becomes trivially convenient to do so.

Featuring the hit single "Free at las' " by Shrug Knight.

Featuring the hit single "Free at las' " by Shrug Knight.

"The fault for this can be set squarely on the metaphorical shoulders of Mad Men, of course, which are no doubt still smarting from the slings and arrows they suffered for having indirectly ushered in Pan Am and The Playboy Club last season."
That is one of the most ridiculous sentences I have ever read, along several