Cornelius Tacitus

OP is right that the phrase is often misused and that the result is nonsensical. The review so misuses it, because it implies that exceptions can be safely ignored.

I like the reference to D&D alignments. Vee is more neutral evil, though: she's opportunistic and amoral, not gleefully and randomly destructive in the way I associate with chaotic evil characters.

Well, given that Wolfcastle was originally a Schwarzenegger spoof, and McGarnagle was originally a Dirty Harry spoof…why are we praising those casting choices as "spot on" rather than "exhibiting a basic understanding of the relationship between parody and its object?"

I don't think our computers have the moustache capability yet. We'll have to wait until 2015 at the earliest. I mean, do we want it done fast, or do we want it done right?

In other news, "below their means" makes no sense in this context, or if it makes any sense, it's a good thing.

My pointing to the controversies were meant to suggest that no one has "won" anything. Perhaps a tortured reading would extricate him from denying that claim, but why bother?

Todd, you're totally right that the Murphy Browns of the world have won. That's why it's so easy to get health insurance to pay for contraception, why abortion is safe easy and legal, it's so hard for ignorant right-wingers to get airtime and get elected, and gay marriage is no longer a nationl controversy.

"pervasive throughout?" Yeah, that's just what "pervasive" means. Did Phipps and Rabin take all the copyeditors with them?

I'll admit I only skimmed the video, but I did not see that robot stack a single trash cube. Not even one. So "working" is perhaps an exaggeration.

If nothing else, this movie (via this review) gave me "more suited to a pie-fucking teenager" as point of reference in analogies and unfavorable comparisons, and for that I will always be grateful.

"Human garbage" and "the next level of, just, human garbage" have both found their way into my everyday speech.

"It makes a persuasive argument—which it makes easier by not allowing any counterargument—but it’s unpersuasive as a piece of filmmaking."
"but as a documentary, it doesn’t search for truth so much as programs it."
I suppose the reviewer would have preferred to hear the argument that these people deserve to go hungry.

The hindi version of the theme was a real treat. Made my day.

Wait, who isn't "embracing" that concept? What is at stake here? So Fallout Boy's exemplifying the concept is what pushes it into "attention-worthy?"

"…increasing lack…"

What qualifies wearing handcuffs during sex as the "moral low ground," besides the reviewer's cliched and glibly provincial judgment?

I'll grant the Disney story is terrible and tone-deaf, and I've never had much respect for the man. But how on Earth is that supposed to illustrate "fundamentalism?"

I'll grant the Disney story is terrible and tone-deaf, and I've never had much respect for the man. But how on Earth is that supposed to illustrate "fundamentalism?"

I'm glad to see so many comedies ranked so highly (even breaking into the top 5), and it's a good list over all; most everything on the list deserves a place. Some weird ordering, though:

I'm glad to see so many comedies ranked so highly (even breaking into the top 5), and it's a good list over all; most everything on the list deserves a place. Some weird ordering, though: