Cornelius Tacitus

"The fault for this can be set squarely on the metaphorical shoulders of Mad Men, of course, which are no doubt still smarting from the slings and arrows they suffered for having indirectly ushered in Pan Am and The Playboy Club last season."
That is one of the most ridiculous sentences I have ever read, along several

"I wouldn't trade Pearl Jam for a hundred of whatever the hell it was I just sat through."
*My reaction after watching those embedded videos*

"I wouldn't trade Pearl Jam for a hundred of whatever the hell it was I just sat through."
*My reaction after watching those embedded videos*

"Wow! A big clown hankie!"
"It's a towel, you yutz! I want you to wash it."

"Wow! A big clown hankie!"
"It's a towel, you yutz! I want you to wash it."

I just looked up the lyrics to this song on a whim.

I just looked up the lyrics to this song on a whim.

Sure, quality matters. My point is that people are yahoo-ing a number that would get anything on CBS or whatever shitty network cancelled. It's staggering what a difference there is in expectations between cable and network.

Still not a fifth of the people who watch an NCIS rerun.
Just to keep things in perspective.

Still not a fifth of the people who watch an NCIS rerun.
Just to keep things in perspective.

Spoiler alert: the movie is really just the lobby scene from the first matrix looped 14 times.

Spoiler alert: the movie is really just the lobby scene from the first matrix looped 14 times.

Just a question: what's with all this bullshit about malls? Did the Mall of America close down or something?

Just a question: what's with all this bullshit about malls? Did the Mall of America close down or something?

@avclub-3bca94e353e508c1a49bf984fc5c346d:disqus I don't want to pile on the reductiveness, but take a look at the films that have gotten As here at the AV Club; hardly any in English. If I fed the best grades into a machine and told it to give me a recipe for success (straight A), it would tell me to make a quietly

@avclub-3bca94e353e508c1a49bf984fc5c346d:disqus I don't want to pile on the reductiveness, but take a look at the films that have gotten As here at the AV Club; hardly any in English. If I fed the best grades into a machine and told it to give me a recipe for success (straight A), it would tell me to make a quietly

I think the guy says "being a vegan is really working out for her," in the sense of "she looks really good, and that makes me feel bad."

I think the guy says "being a vegan is really working out for her," in the sense of "she looks really good, and that makes me feel bad."

The info about Capitol rejiggering the releases is introduced as an "irony" to the author's argument that Beatles' albums must be received as aesthetic units. I would say that, more than being ironic, it reveals that such a stance is based on nostalgic fabrication, not unlike any other pining for a bygone era that