Cornelius Tacitus

Hell, even Michael Gira. He puts off the same sort of creepy, I-found-this-recording-in-a-bloodstained-basement vibe as Partch, but he's kind of on the outskirts of radio music and could be considered a warped sort of folk rock.

Yeah, except that in this case the "senior citizen" who was supposed to be "other" was BOB FUCKING DYLAN.

I nominate "Judging Amy" for this feature because what the hell, that show ran for 138 episodes?!

Did he actually pay for that portrait? He looks like an ass-clown. Just straight up a clown made of ass.

Yeah, that's the weakest part for me; talk about low-hanging fruit.

I remember playing Space Quest 3 more than a decade ago (and it was old as hell even then), having come to it from the VGA remake of Quest for Glory (I've always been behind on games). You had to type in the commands, which I found completely unfamiliar. I wandered around the first two screens in the garbage dump of

How can a game be a "riff on the X-files" if it predates it? Would have been better to say something like "think X-files with ghosts instead of aliens" or some form of words that didn't presuppose influence.

He doesn't have best picture nominations in five decades, because Close Encounters was for Best Director. And he doesn't have best director nominations in five decades because War Horse was nominated for best picture.

Man, Hootie and the Blowfish…that was weird, America.

Does anyone else think it's strange that there's only one woman on that list?

Room to breathe!!

Yeah I thought he really nailed the character's facial expressions in that one, except for the waitress.

For the record, I haven't read "Fargo Rock City," and yes my mind would have "gone there" had I witnessed those ridiculous, wheel-spinning paragraphs in any context.

The sentence in the review that you're referring to makes no sense whatsoever. I hurt my brain trying to parse it; it's some kind of complicated non-parallelism where the last two items on the list should be of the form "as [negative assessment] as [other animator]" but they're not, so the "or" seems really out of

I thought Hermes was just some kind of martian potato-man.

Regarding the first five or so paragraphs of this piece:

That first sentence manages to be both a fragment and a run-on. Impressive.

The official historian of everything is now Google.

You're definitely right, but I think the F-strike does double duty, at least in movie reviews.* Think of it as expressing "Why the fuck would someone do that?" It can be said in tones of wonderment, rage and despair.

Very nice piece; this is a very wide-spread phenomenon in serialized media. I've encountered it most whenever I pick up a new Wheel of Time book. The writing was never very good and Jordan's worshipfully misogynist good-ole'-boy-crossed-with-freemasonry worldview was always irritating as hell.