Cornelius Tacitus

I'm not sure I'm with you all the way about the Humphrey material; that "Hug da Police" banner is still pretty fresh.

Ah, Korn: when you think that the Insane Clown Posse's opinion would just be too well-informed.

So people say, but I call bullshit. If your answer to the question "does God exist" is not "yes" (or perhaps a strong "probably"), then you're an atheist.

I mostly agree, although being a "gnostic" does not simply mean you're not agnostic; the history of that particular word is quite different, and has come to denote a particular set of beliefs and practices that (to my knowledge, anyway) are not even peculiar to the Abrahamic traditions.

Marc Maron: "I don't believe in God, but I'm not an atheist."

My apologies. It's not humanely possible for me to refrain from comment, sometimes.

H8er or whatever the hell it's called got an F. The AVC seems to reserve Fs for material that is actively offensive to moral or other sensibilities. It must not merely be disappointing or contemptible, but actively repulsive, malignant and completely oblivious to its failings.

I just had to put my hand over my mouth to stop my guffaw from escaping and drawing attention to me. Well done.

It's not—unless you're being sarcastic, in which case yes, that is a mistake.

Ha ha! It's funny because FirsTier was permanently closed by the FDIC in January 2011!

I'm sorry: perhaps something along these lines would be more appropriate:

You need to decline that adjective correctly.

That maxim is not a trump-card in aesthetic debate. Hume took it a step further by realizing it formed only half of our intuitive stance on aesthetics.

I couldn't agree more. It's time for us to all clap our hands and reverse-Tinkerbell this mediocrity back to the oblivion it merits.

A lovely write-up, and I love the bit about the film being closer in time to a culture of opera than to our modern film culture.

Yeah, it's totally uncool to feel stuff about things. I mean, people who are religious feel stuff about religion, and that's bad, right?

Hypothesis: Christian Rock albums will dominate the Billboard charts within 2 years because only out-of-touch Christian moms will actually be buying CDs by then.

"This is the burden of the Justin Timberlake fan who is now forced to pay $10 a pop to see one of the world’s most beloved pop stars pretend to be somebody else for two hours."

Going full dada: a bold strategy, but it just might work. And yeah, I can't see myself buying that collection.

I just think there are non-economic reasons to aim at concision and reject grandiose pretension.