Cornelius Tacitus

BBT = Big Bang Theory, I'm guessing, a show which is odious and represents everything about the sit-com which should have died and been eaten away by maggots.

While we're proof-reading: what possible reason would there be to suspect that the plural of "premise" is "premisi?" The singular is not "premisus."

First Conan, now Carrell
Will Ferrell seems to be refashioning himself into a Hollywood Harbinger of Doom.

In the boardroom at Masthead Studios
"Hey! I've got an idea! Let's design a cookie-cutter MMO, make it a visual ripoff of Mass Effect, and release it just in time to get crushed by The Old Republic!"

Oh Good God
I need some Janelle Monae just to wash those Bush videos out of my brain:

Re: Flagging sponsored tweets: that seems completely unnecessary. Nowadays, whenever any product is mentioned by name by someone in the public eye, I assume he/she was paid to so mention it.

Sean O'Neal Book
Is there any momentum behind collecting selected O'Neal newswires/Friday buzzkills in book form? They tend to have lots of hyperlinks, and stripping those away would hamper context, but I also remember some epic screeds fit for treeware. His rant about the Big Mac wrap, for instance, deserves to

Do we really need a feature…
that consists entirely of two people saying "this is dumb, but I like it" and/or "this is dumb and I hate it" seven or eight times?

The name of the book
…was The Skeptical Environmentalist, not The Environmental Skeptic, which makes it sound like he's not sure whether the environment exists (or just denies that knowledge about the environment is possible).

I guess "drunken…gunplay"
Sounds a little better than "Burroughs murdered his wife while drunk." Which is what happened. Burroughs was, on the whole, a waste of skin and paper.

The sublimity is giving lots of money away?

They won't tell me, Steve. Those first 319 words probably made the short list, though.

"which we're pretty sure he understands other people besides him can read"
Sean O'Neal keeps on brightening my days. It's the tone of sarcastic bemusement you expect from the Onion, combined with the sublime knowledge that he's talking about things that really happened.

And the award
for most long-winded setup to a tortuous and barely-coherent analogy goes to…

I'm going to go with scolded.

"trying to keep his hands clean, so we don't see him lurking behind the curtain"
When mixed, metaphors can become dangerously unstable.

Non-existence is not the disease; it is the cure.

This Feature
When did Encyclopedia Dramatica establish an enclave on this site?

His pedantry is not grammatical; it's a matter of vocabulary, as is the pedantry currently on display in this comment.

I do enjoy watching these snippets, but…
could the hosts be any more uncomfortable in front of the camera? They look like nervous children reading from cue cards.