Cornelius Tacitus

My God is that opening animation atrocious.
That is all.

I don't understand the comparison in the first paragraph
Both Two & a Half Men and BBT are irritating, vapid, atavistic and borderline-unwatchable. Following one's path is no better than following the path of the other.

This pitiful contest
Sounds exactly like the coliseum that your broken, superficial culture deserves.

The weighted companion cube.

Brilliant, yet no wit can redeem this trash which spawned it.

I started off as a gimmick, posting in character (expressing incredulity at all this modern entertainment and whatnot) but that didn't last long. Now it's just a handle.

Really thought I'd typed a "k" there. Sorry about that.

Thank you, Zach
Your story is my story. Not in the particulars (I suspect I'm a bit younger than you), but I too did not come to "merit badge" music until later in life (junior year of college, in fact). Though I later came to appreciate some of the tastes my parents and my own ignorant wanderings instilled.

@Ktotwf: I must respectfully disagree: T3-M4. He needs his own movie.

The two KotORs are more compelling and fulfilling experiences than the movies ever were. They bring a complexity and life to the universe that, even back in Episode 4, you could tell was well beyond Lucas & co.'s ability.

Laura Linney: Trapped in a world of plot holes and spelling errors
"Now I'm destoyring this cowch for no raisins!"

That is all.

I'm not hating: I love Obsidian/Black Isle and their beautiful, flawed creations. They just make some buggy, frustrating games. Torment, Fallout, Kotor 2 (haven't played Alpha Protocol)…all brilliant and requiring substantial modding and repair to reach their full potential.

Definitely has that Obsidian Look
Which is to say: half-finished at time of release.

No; I've been wracking my brain. I thought the protagonist's name was "Tinker," but that's an Orson Scott Card hero and nothing with that plot shows up in the Worthing Saga.

Isolation is the only way to combat this trend
When I was younger, I read a science fiction story about a caste of artists, raised from childhood in complete isolation of all culture and the viewing public that consumed their product. The rationale was that interacting with the public and with art from the past and

Oh, dear
Reviewing sub-mediocre cop dramas has finally caused Todd to undergo a psychotic break.

Television rewards risk-taking?
Ah, but here's the kicker: "at least if you're going to look at it critically."

I wouldn't say it's been a weak Summer for scripted TV
Judging by Rabin's reviews, this new Simpsons (Classic) is really something to keep your eye on. Strange title, but I've seen stranger.

In the future…
hospitals have been replaced with Devo concerts.