Cornelius Tacitus

Sweeping unverified generalizations
His position was idiotic to begin with, and his proud ignorance is laughable.

No problem; ne vitam silentio, and all that.

They're just exits from the coliseum. I don't see why everyone thinks they're so disgusting. Given what vomitoria actually are, the quote in the article is complete nonsense.

Must get paid by the word. Revision for concision, Dickens.

"I don't know what I can even say about Rookie Blue"
Cue 936 more rambling words. Why did this show merit more than a paragraph telling us it was bland and stultifying?

This is Obsidian's MO
Alpha Protocol seems to be a brilliant narrative with a buggy, infuriating game wrapped around it. Obsidian (and their former incarnation, Black Isle) have never done anything different. KoTOR 2 was like that; even Black Isle's undisputed masterpieces, Fallout and Planscape:Torment, were both

Just set your alarm clock for some random time and then forget about it: the effect is the same and the plot will hang together better.

It's absolutely terrible; looks like it was thrown together in about 5 minutes. Not only did no one proofread the damn thing (the birth certificate from the office of "vital seaiseics" is the big howler), but even what plot is there is incoherent. For instance, the story suggests that the maid was killed for finding

I was actually rewinding parts of it on Hulu, which I almost never do.

"Exception that proves the rule"
Not the way that phrase is used, just the way that "begs the question" does not mean "ask a question" and "epistemic closure" does not mean "close-mindedness."

I'm going to go with (d)
Prince probably could have made this better, somehow.

Favorite Line: "I knew it existed…"
…and I chose to let it die."

What I really want to know is…
how much screen-time is devoted to hasslin' shopkeepers?

No other roles of any real credit?
The man was in Pluto Nash. Show some respect.

I agree!
How dare these creative types continue to feed their families once we have tired of their endeavors?

Poor Man's Pixar
Do not need.

*is still holding out fist, long past the point of awkwardness*

Studios be retreating!

Erin's Reaction to the Fax…
terrified me. She went from bawling to ecstatic as only a crazy person can. Were I Andy, I'd watch my back.

Finally, a show about the interpersonal dynamics of affluent white people
A far understudied subject.