Duckminster Fuller

Our his-tor-y as it's por-trayed is just a rec-i-pee for hate.

Yes, you did. And now I've taught you not to name-drop formal logic. Of course, I look like the bigger ass. Perhaps the only ass. But then, that was the point. I wish someone felt responsible for my self-nullifying behavior.

Sadly enough, I think you might have to add "fun" to that list of reasons for war. Or at least "to get rid of some unruly citizens who may think they'll enjoy fighting." That may be wrapped into interest, but then, so could anything.
Are you the real lexicondevil? Cuz that isn't a straw man fallacy. It is closest

It seems so misleading
Every review about Heavenly Creatures is all like "a true tale of obsession turned deadly…" Which is true. But it hardly suggests the material in that movie. Is it just not in movie vocabulary to say "a girl plots with her best friend to kill her mom with a brick. And then does."

But if we didn't have the ridiculous, we'd just have to admit things are complicated.

Not to get involved in the debate here, though it's prooty hawt, but Christopher Hitchens has long been a serious journalist. This atheist stuff is just what got his profile raised. Anyone read his review of "Exit Ghost?" Hi-freaking-larious.

A message
To Mr. Coppola, if you are reading this. Making a (pretty good) "champagne" and naming it after your daughter and putting it in cute little cans was awesome. Do something like this again. Please.
Thank you.

Actually, if my take on this stuff is correct, most of these movie titles have the "ing" words in an ambiguous states. Basically, this is because none of the titles are sentences, so it is impossible to determine the verbs' contexts. So it would be a gerund by any standard if the sentence is "I appreciate fishing

Damn people. There's a reason we have like a billion movies about world wars I and II, and about 2 on the Weimar republic (neither of which I know).
A movie that can be summarized as someone "getting kicked out of somewhere" and then "resettling a made-up place" sounds like watching the class bully play Oregon Trail

Leaving Las Vegas.
Fishing with John.
Waiting for Godot.
The Darjeeling Limited.

…but I just have to throw in the title category of "The Blankity-Blank's Female Relative." "The Time Traveler's Wife," "Ahab's Wife," "Galileo's Daughter," "Yo Mama," the list goes on. Sure, a lot of them are good books, but my first impression is always "Gee, I'd really rather hear about THE TIME TRAVELLER HIM-

"The Fucking of Compasses: The Golden Age"

"The Golden Fucking Compass."

These ballots are definitely good. They've given me a few things to try that I'd missed, before. Kind of odd how they all combined to a deceptively bland master list.
But that is not why I'm writing.
Widow City is why I'm writing. The fact that it wasn't mentioned on any ballot, and not in the comments until

This is solid. Now I know what to use those free iTunes downloads on.

Tasha is a brilliant interviewer
I read the first couple statements, then said to myself "I sure hope Tasha Robinson is doing this interview." She was. It was good stuff.
Tasha Robinson=best interviewer
Noel Murray=best introspector
Keith Phipps&Nathan Rabin=best movie reviewers.

Damn. Just when I was getting used to having the Internet do everything for me.

Also, I think you should look at late-Soviet and post-Soviet rock. Like all the bands mentioned in the Nightwatch series. Most of them don't even have a wikipedia stub, and they can be pretty epic.
But that's probably just me.

I like the whole…
…spirit quest angle on the whole undertaking. It isn't about the disk space, or organization as I understand it, but about examining times past, and Mr. Murray's own development as a music fan. Maybe I'm wrong. All that aside, though, this could turn into something My-Year-of-Flops-incredible. If

You can all sue me, or dispute-settle me, or whatever, but I can leave you to die. And then go to jail. Shit.