Duckminster Fuller

I don't really know why, but I laughed out loud.

The third book too preachy? I guess I didn't notice since I was paying attention to the church guy who cut off his own soul to launch a bomb at a preteen girl.
Well I guess that is preachy. But fucking awesome, also.

Stupid Joke
It's only a matter of time before British Sea Power comes under withering sea-borne bombardement. Someone needs to made an example.

Jeez, is that sample bad. It sounds like the first MIDI experiment anyone ever does, but done on really expensive equipment. And Bill Cosby went and said "baby baby" over it. I have a hard time imagining this song appearing on even a C+ album.

Damned engineers and MBAs
A painting isn't an autographed homerun baseball. It's an obeject of beauty that invites reflection and provokes in the viewer an understanding of things previously not understood. Why could a child not produce such a thing? I suspect those with children would say that many produce such

A's for everyone
Animal Collective, Fiery Furnaces, Pipettes. All just different sides of the same awesome Beatles-centered coin.

Free Wi-fi in tanks
Just another way the army exploits the poor.
Lobsters is okay.
Congress was just hoping Will Smith would show up.

Drummer Dave
How about a commemorative series of coins?

Damn, I sound like a fool in that post
I take it all back.

Boring? I guess I was expecting stage directions like [laughs, while PONTIAC catches huge air and lands, avoiding AVC's hail of bullets], too. I mean the guy with a beard is on the run, right? I mean, that is the one true basis of comedy, as everyone who watched the Simpsons once in 1996 knows.

Whoa, fascist NAZI rape
"stretch and enjoy the beauty that is the English language."

Punch Drunk Love
I saw it with O'Reilly. He said he would have liked it better as a movie-within-a-movie in Blackhawk Down, or maybe Weird Science. I agreed, but only to get him to shut up. Dude can ruin anything.

Sorry for the misspelling…
That should read "third grade."

I SUMMON THEE! We need some of that fine, uptown, DC teaching.

Lest we forget.

Say what you want about the South…
…but hands off the Midwest. I'm not sure we talk about anything in an open and detailed manner here but sex.

This album is fucking epic
I ordered it the day this article came out, after failing to find it at any local used joints. Three weeks to deliver! Now I can't stop listening to it. There is not a bad track here. If I could sound like this I would be sounding like this all the time. Best listening advice I ever

This is strange. I had an image in my mind of there being an actual "laugh-tracker" who would sit at something like a Casio keyboard, with each key programmed to a different laugh, playing it all Phantom of the Opera style to lay down the laughtrack.

Not a grower
Great the first time, and all subsequent, thus far. Didn't like NP, before.
Oh, maybe that's it.

Postmodern Criticism
What happened to lexicondevil? He was usually a help in things like this.