Crazy Person

I liked the scene where it started to rain and the hill started to disintegrate, but then the town put aside its petty rivalries and came to the rescue.


Is that Tommy Kirk?

What ever happened to

What next?  Irish cops?

Hair science.

Somebody tell a joke.

But not by anyone from the Mob.

The teenage daughter takes a home pregnancy test and it's negative.

Yelling at women to get in my bed never works for me.

Family Brothers Pizza
Now with less vermiculite!

I liked My Blue Heaven.

I liked Moonstruck.


Eddie Murphy starring in Mac & C.H.E.E.S.E.

His refrigerator is also running away.

Talking Heads

Stoners say the darndest things.

That kind of love can usually only be obtained by shooting at a prominent public figure.

I'm pretty sure it has to do with loose tissue surrounding the anus vibrating as methane gas moves past it.  I'm no scientist, however.