
Criminal prosecution. It's generally seen as the most important role in the US Attorney's office. The real life acting US Attorney for the Southern District of New York is headed up by the former Chief of Criminal Prosecution.

It finally dawned on me why Oleg is being investigated. Stan's girlfriend is indeed a Soviet mole trying to ply intel from him. They know that Oleg had Stan in his official reports. He told his girlfriend about trying to help out a guy who helped him out a while back. A reasonable person (let alone a paranoid KGB

Did you see the photo attached to the file of his mom a couple episodes ago? She was a babe in her day.

It's pretty clear she has a ton of daddy issues. Makes perfect sense that she'd lap up the attention of an older guy.

As someone who sees "MLP" and thinks "master limited partnerships", this is really jarring to me.

I actually really liked Amador. His outspoken demeanor and bravado compensating for his general insecurity was endearing. Plus when he was on his death bed and was still hitting on Elizabeth and telling her that the US was gonna kick the motherland's ass, I was just mentally pumping my fist at his awesomeness.

This seems more like a recap than an analysis of the show. It's pretty clear that in both this season and the last, the "reviewers" didn't think too much of the show. If that's the case, give the job to somebody who actually likes the show and wants to write about it as opposed to mailing in this sad sack copy.

They've had multiple lines of dialog throughout season 2 which establishes Spartan Ives as very friendly to the Administration and to the AG herself.

I think you might be confusing him with the other guy, who used to be the top aide to the Attorney General and is now a Federal district judge.

Is it, though? Muni-bond plays are a favorite of fund managers. Puerto Rico didn't get to run up that 70 billion dollar debt without willing lenders on the other side, and a bunch of them are hedgies and other active fund managers. Some funds have made their names buying up distressed debts that eventually paid off.

Hey, let's be period appropriate here. It's the Washington Bullets, baby.

I like how he didn't even respond. Gave off a very strong "I don't have time to deal with this pretty girl's narcissistic bullshit" vibe.

For me, the most interesting scenes aren't on Bobby Axe's side of the show. It's in the US Attorney's office. It's not that I find the legal machinations to be fascinating. Instead, it's about the egos and vanity of those in power in and around one of the most powerful offices outside of DC. It gives off a Game of

I absolutely lost it in the scene where Desi admits he was on Oxy for an entire year. He went from trying to play it off to "fuck it, I'm going anyway" mode in a split second, and everything that unfolded from that point onward was just pure, comedic gold. The horror movie camerawork made the scene that much more

I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me than a prefrontal lobotomy.

Wouldn't that be the ultimate subversive act? To subvert the subversion?

Dude, if rappers and drug dealers brag about having Jewish lawyers and accountants(it's a thing, Google it), this is perfectly in keeping with the trappings of status. Chinese and African firms hire tall white guys to show everybody that they've made it. It's completely understandable that a small firm in suburban Los

Pretty sure you meant to say "Heil to the yes."

I really dug the medical/racial examination scene with Juliana. It's one of those great scenes that serves to flesh out the alternate universe while also advancing the plot. As a whole, season 2 does a much better job of balancing between pacing and worldbuilding. Season 1 felt plodding at times, even though I still

Oh, I forgot about this gem: "You're gonna love living with your parents. Everyone says the best part is the laundry. I don't care about that. Real talk? If I have a nightmare, I don't have to tough it out."