Broom Darryl is Best Darryl. They should have an episode in which Darryl is actually played by a broom and they just dub Gardner's voice during his scenes.
Broom Darryl is Best Darryl. They should have an episode in which Darryl is actually played by a broom and they just dub Gardner's voice during his scenes.
Nope. Just an unwitting accomplice in his method acting research.
Man, that reveal with the British actors blew my fucking mind. About halfway through that scene, I was like "something doesn't feel quite right" and then they go and reveal that it was an acting thing. That dude nailed down the 'roided meathead thing down.
Actually it was a bolt action rifle. But hey, it wouldn't be AV Club without nitpicking.
I don't necessarily think her motives were inscrutable. Those are readily explainable. Her parents say she's always wanted attention. She says she does it because she likes it and is good at it. She clearly desires power, status, wealth and the ability to manipulate the people around her.
If it weren't for the fact that Tom James is (potentially) the Vice President, it still is a huge stretch because there would be a full Secret Service detail there. Both potential VPs get the full treatment.
It's true that 4/5 of the Wehrmacht was deployed on the Eastern Front but it's also true that Lend Lease gave the Soviets hundreds of thousands of light vehicles, ten thousand armored vehicles, thousands of locomotives (the number of Soviet locomotives built during the war was less than 100) and aircraft, and millions…
It's a shame they already cast Euron Greyjoy, because that's the one character in ASOIAF that is basically like Ragnar Lothbrok.
She's way better than Sally Draper.
Right, because it's completely out of place to expect alpha male bravado out of a successful hedge fund manager and a crusading Federal prosecutor (for the Southern District of NY, which is almost by definition, a crusading post).
They actually have a conversation in earlier episodes where he openly admits that he wants a judgeship as a potential launching pad to the Supreme Court.
No mention of the scene in the nightclub with Chuck and the old law school buddy? That plus his meeting with his dad is pretty instructive to his character. Despite his exhortations to his underlings, the Axelrod case is personal.
Did people like him? I guess it is true, then. America can't quit tall white men with issues.
I actually really enjoy the foreign food/culture references because it's so apropos of that world. The need for the upper class to endlessly posture and preen in front of their colleagues and superiors, especially in a place like New York, is something that the show highlights very well. It's immersive. It's not done…
AV Club is full of people who want to posture on how sophisticated and avant garde they are, that they rail against a show's perceived weaknesses just so they can signal to the other cool kids that they belong. It gets grating at times.
His dad has money. Money which he will inherit in due time. Once you have money, there are only two things people ever pursue: celebrity or power.
The Hector Award definitely goes to the creepy dude who wanted to buy Rebecca's couch. I laughed out loud when he did that fist pump.
Oh man, in the beginning when Rachel/Rebecca was driving with that unhinged grin, she was a dead ringer for Tina Fey. I know the comparison has been made a thousand times over, but we are truly lucky that Bloom was able to break out much earlier in her career.
Actually, they've done a pretty good job of developing her character. The few times she's displayed any vulnerability, you actually get a pretty good idea of her character is like. She's jealous of Rebecca's education and intelligence ("get to the point, Harvard").
On any plane of existence.