Dick Casablancas

Bumped this up a letter grade for the use of Stevie Wonder's "All In Love Is Fair".

And Susan's sister on ER!

Not to be too pedantic (especially towards a fellow O's fan), but a sac bunt also doesn't necessarily mean that the runner is on third. It's a more general term for a bunt intended to advance any runner. A squeeze is a sac bunt intended to advance a runner from third, and a suicide squeeze is when they take off with

Did the In Memoriam segment this year remind anyone else of when they show the dead people in the sky in the Hunger Games? Even the music sounded similar to me, but I was about 1 1/2 bottles of champagne deep at that point, so maybe it's just me.

Super late here, but I just wanted to say that I feel like that joke was supposed to be about violists, but they changed it either by accident because they didn't get it or on purpose for some inexplicable reason. Yes, violists also shift positions, but that's the kind of thing someone would make a viola joke about.

Aaron reminds me so much of Adam Pally, if Adam Pally were a complete asshole. But he talks exactly like him, and looks a little bit like him, too.

I am so confused about everything that's happening with David. He knew that Emily was Amanda, right? Did he get himself arrested on purpose so that she would see him? And is he playing Victoria, or not? I thought he was about to go HAM on her in the police station when he started talking about how he'd been

I'm 35, and in my middle school and high school days, watching Cosmos was the go-to activity whenever we had a substitute teacher in science class. I couldn't believe neither of them got this.

I can't stand Woody Allen and I've never spent time in New York (other than the occasional day trip) and it's probably my favorite sketch on the show.

I was so glad that Renzo pointed out that he has a life outside of Kathryn and her book. Of course, then he went right back to talking about nothing but her problems, but still…

They showed one of his speeches on The Soup a couple of weeks ago, and taken out of context it was even funnier than it was on the show. He's the best.

I think you mean Anna Benson. Ashley Benson is Hanna on Pretty Little Liars.

Was anyone else really bothered by the fact that Claire CALLED IMMIGRATION on Gloria? That's way worse than Jay offering a job to Phil in another town. She's the worst.

I'm a little behind on this show, and just watched last week's episode last night. Was there no review of that episode for some reason, or is it just a casualty of the new site design?

Thank you! Good to know I'm not crazy.

I totally thought that he didn't actually die, that he just lost his leg, but I looked it up, and you're right, he does die. I was remembering a cut to a grave, where it turned out that it was just a leg that was buried there. What the hell am I thinking of? I can't be just making this up.

"I'm not a shrink… am I?"

She just grew up. She is and always has been Dave Foley's daughter. She was on Doug Loves Movies with him once, and she was adorable.

He made Marco toss his phone, and they took whatever car Tate was driving, which no one but Marco saw.

I was looking for a comment about this, because I always wondered if that was supposed to be a joke.  It made me laugh, because I assumed that Goliath was an ironic name and he was a tiny dog, and the photo was so completely opposite of what I was picturing.