Dick Casablancas

@olivececile:disqus I'm pretty sure you're right.  The body found on Childress's land was Hastings, and I figured they just used dental records or something to identify it.

No way, Gina would have recognized him.  She was having trouble describing the killer, but she seemed pretty confident when she looked at those pictures that none of them was him.

It made me think of Sherlock.  I like the way Sherlock does it better, though.

Thanks for that - I guess I only really heard the mother's side of the story (she wrote a column in the Washington Post about it).  It's definitely a sad story all around.  I think the poor kid lived with the adoptive parents for like 2 years, and then with the birth father for like 2 years, and now she's back with

Does anyone else think that Toby might not have actually told Nikki about the STD?  We didn't hear what he said, and I would never have expected her to take it so well.

The Angelo baby plot is definitely similar to the real-life case, but with one main difference (assuming we're talking about the same thing):  In the real-life case, the father was given the opportunity to have a relationship with the baby, but he told the mother that he wanted nothing to do with her, so the mother

He started trying to prove his mom was innocent once he found out he was going to have to move to Arizona if she was charged.  Before that, I think he was going to let her go down.  And maybe "hate" is too strong of a word, but it just seemed like there was a lot more hostility between them in this episode than we've

Did Alex Mack get a nose job or something?  Her nose looked really odd…

Have we ever seen Lacey's sister?  I didn't even know she had a sister, and it was driving me crazy that they kept talking about her - they were at her frickin' birthday party for christ's sake - and they never showed her.

I'm not a fan of the audiologist.  His "why don't I hook you up with one of these bad boys?", or whatever he said to Emmett, was incredibly off-putting to me.  I was surprised that Melody was interested.

Is it just me, or was Arlene crying over Terry's grave last week?  I was wondering how he got buried so fast, but now they're planning his funeral, so how did he have a grave if he hadn't had a funeral yet?

I think it makes sense, though, as much as anything about vampires makes sense, that they would be able to cut their hair, but just not regrow it.  They may have even mentioned something about that when Eric cut his hair.  But that makes more sense to me than, say, Interview with a Vampire, where Kirsten Dunst cut her

For some reason, I can never tell who the masks are supposed to be.  Does anyone else have this problem, or do I have some weird form of face-blindness?