The Philosopher Ayn Rand

I do not recommend totalitarianism. I recommend a controlled culling of the dross of subhumanity.

What a Marvelous Idea!
Hitler was far from a man of genius, but he was a man of powerful, thrusting intention, and this is too often lost in depictions of his life. There is a fell beauty in the act of genocide that is difficult for the mediocre mind to conceive. Hitler could see it but only through a haze of

Again Hollywood Debases Itself for Your Craven Amusement,
…and again you toss it less than a subsistence wage! Take heed, America. You have in your swarm of filthy hands the power to strip these shameless hacks of the meat on their bones. And in their place you might seek to install a man of admirably vigorous

I think they ought to be clipped to improve the aesthetic whole of the masculine form. Allie does not agree.

Ha! You've none to blame but yourself.

If that lot of worthless scofflaws will scamper off like little rodents with an nth generation stain of some basement-dwelling ingrate's cerebral drippings, I say let them. Such tripe only further degrades them and makes them more likely to drug themselves to more immediate ends.

I'll not be associated with that burst grain sack of a pseudomasculine figure.

Oh, God. The braying of asses is certain to follow their spurring by the rider, and so is the pitiful wailing of the baser classes to respond to the accrual of wealth by a man of will. Why should it matter whether he ruined his company? He did well for himself, and that is the true measure of man.

The Objectivist is willing to sacrifice the desire for material wealth in pursuit of dignity. Of course, were the world composed exclusively of Objectivists, this refusal to pander would lead only to an abundance of wealth, but alas that world is not yet so.

Ignore this craven horde and steep yourself in it until your body and mind are transformed into streamlined daggers of intent, then stab wildly at all that would disdain your glorious new identity.

There Is Only One Reasonable Response to Such Women as These.
I shall tie them to bedposts with their rectums spread out before me, heat a hanger on the stove for half an hour, take it off, and insert it so that it makes a pleasing hissing sound.

"Can Jake Gyllenhaal's golden abs carry a would-be Jerry Bruckheimer franchise?"
Well, can they? Or shall I simply see Iron Man again?

You say this as though it is a bad thing, Leonard. Remember, the critic's job is chiefly to assuage his knowledge of his own inadequacy with the illusion of power. He exalts the debased and debased the exultant. He is a sucking barnacle on the side of the ship of industry. Even should the critics embrace my film, they

I'll have you keep your beard out of my philosophy, Miller.

Alas, Leonard, he has not been… embodied as Iron Man has. Again, Hollywood fails me.

Your miscalculation is testimony to your malformed mind.

Your pitiful, artless cartoons are not fit for the entertainment of children.

Open your eyes, "Jim," to the possibilities of unfettered avarice! Your party's leaders have, if only in private.

I should have recognized that ignoble prose as Heller's. O'Neal has of late converted to a way of seeing much more congruent with reason than he had when he ejaculated that insidious defamatory tirade last autumn.

I would not grip your flaccid member even with a pair of fire tongs unless I had first broken it off and drank the spout of blood that gushed from your vaginal wound.