
"a long bout Baron Corbin/Sami Zayn match"

Golden Axe IV please.

Can we throw Anton Yelchin into this mix too? I only noticed during Green Room how much he looks like Wood.

Does anyone proof read these things? The Last Man on Earth entry, for example, calls Mike Miller 'Matt' and implies Jacob Tremblay actually got the Oscar nomination he deserved. I know it's hard to write a whole paragraph about a show without making any mistakes, but… wait, no, it's not.

I could've gone a whole lifetime without knowing that James Burrows looks like the college lecturer I hated so much I still have a recurring dream of punching in the face 4 years after graduating. I'll never watch another episode of Frasier with the same love again.

I know. Just pointing out the error.

Who is Rick?
This show continues to be fun in an earnestly cheesy kind of way, not to say it's not without its problems though. I can't remember if they set this precedent with Ronnie and Stein in The Flash, but it was hard to suspend my disbelief that Jax would cut words into his arm and we see blood coming out, only

Can we stop with this 'no Rey toys' bullshit already? There were plenty of Rey toys. They sold out before the movie came out. That's why no-one could find them.

Is it B- week on here? I had high-ish hopes for this and it sucked. Four writers and not one of them knew that a cameo =/= a joke. Kyle Mooney's character has a big pause after everything he says as if waiting for big laughs. Cue absolute silence from the audience in my screening every time.

Have a heart, Tyler Breeze's standing in the company is bad enough as is without him being associated with the cinematic abortion that is Zoolander 2.

If you're wondering who the best boy is, it's someone's nephew.

That it only makes sense after you explaining that suggests the article was poorly worded.

"Without any regard to the censors"
*scene is censored*

"R.I.P. Temuera Morrison"
- George Lucas

Alternate title: "Half our writers wish they could make Star Wars better, but half wish they could make it worse! Click here to find out more!"

Your constant referencing of the entire UK as just England is akin to me calling the USA California. How is it over in California? Do every single one of you Americans enjoy living in California?

We discussed this and I said no.

Or American Dad! for that matter.

Not quite getting the logic in them trying to improve the show by doing this, but still considering keeping Liv Tyler around.

Fine, I'll leave, I know when I'm not wanted.