
They can say 'shit' now, apparently that's edgy enough to keep making note of.

That's more than one line.

Buy your kids a fucking stick!

My brain hurts.

You mean they used visual effects in a movie with a talking raccoon and a living tree creature?


That was one of my favourite episodes the show has ever done. From Operation Alien Strike Force to the ridiculousness of Thomas' month long plan, everything about it just clicked. Gene's toupee absolutely slayed me.

Guys, we really need to talk about getting phrasing back in the rotation.

Skips punching a shark in the face is worth at least a B+ in my books.

Just wait til the first mummy pun, then we can wrap it up.

A nice bit of mindfuckery is always appreciated in TV.

I'm from a tiny town just outside Glasgow, Scotland. David Byrne, Dayton Callie of Deadwood and Sons of Anarchy fame, and Formula 1 World Champion Jackie Stewart are all from a slightly bigger town 5 miles away, they all did pretty well for themselves, so that's cool, I guess. I fucking hate this place.

Wait, the Twilight Zone wasn't supposed to be funny? Man, I knew my sense of humour was dark, but jeez.

My own mother passed away a few years ago after a long illness. Any time my father was reminded of the inevitability of what was going to happen, he would react the same way Ted did when he choked up, and it killed me having to see that. So this hits pretty close to home… I appreciate they're trying to do something

It's moments like this that I live for as a film fan. The Dark Crystal is my favourite movie of all time. I saw it for the first time when I was about 4, and for the stupid shit that scared me at that age (the stinger of Masters of the Universe terrified me for example) I'm still shocked it didn't freak the hell out

No love for Rich Fulcher? For shame, AV Club. For shame!

I'm happy with this. If there wasn't enough space in the story for her then don't have her, simple as.
I've never seen Woodley in anything so I can't comment on her acting skills, but I think a recast is essential. It might sound shallow but she looks like the girl next door - the appeal of Mary Jane was that she was

I watched a few episodes of Anger Management. Seems like Selma Blair is the one who's winning.

If ABC cancels this show then another network better pick it up. I really don't like the idea of a world without it. Tears of laughter at Brad proclaiming his stuff to be excellent.

Ericson Core? We're letting mobile phones direct films now?