
That's some fancy book-learnin' ya got there.

You're thinking of the end of Rainbow Mark I, but Blackmore was blowing up band lineups since the early days of Deep Purple. It's just how he rolled, and he was mean about it too. Fripp was comparatively mild-mannered about it.

Ronnie James Dio said a properly-run band has to be "a democracy with a dictator." He believed every bandmember should have the opportunity to voice opinions but there must be one guy with authority to say yes or no. His concept was basically a benevolent dictator who is open to ideas from the people under him.

Fripp's behavior was not unique. Ritchie Blackmore shared Fripp's habit of periodically blowing up his bands and re-populating them, but Blackmore was more brutal about it.

Did he pick out that outfit before or after he got sober? Maybe it's what prompted the intervention.

I miss the days when everybody knew alternative rock was the proper route to nonconformity. We had a consensus. Clarity.

Indeed. Her character was an obvious Patty Hearst analog.

And those laser swords! Awesome.

Alan Smithee wasn't available?

Yeah, but Pearl Jam was only lumped in with those other bands because of Seattle hype. Otherwise a band that was a fusion of Grand Funk Railroad and Bad Company could never have been successfully marketed as cutting edge.

This would have been my top pick too, but Fields of Fire was also a decent-sized hit.

The Love Unlimited Orchestra - Love's Theme. Best disco instrumental ever.

Icicle Works - Birds Fly (Whisper to a Scream).
Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me.

If long songs try your patience you might try Gentle Giant's Octopus(1972), which is a great prog record with songs averaging a bit over four minutes.

Charlie The Pillowcase.

I'm writing a script that he won't be able to turn down. He'll be back.

Cats = ELP
Dogs = The Ramones.

Silent Night, Deadly Night combined sliding with beheading. Cool scene.

That's because AXE Body Spray doesn't deserve to have its good name dragged through the mud.

Speaking of cocaine, still no article about Carrie Fisher's autopsy.