
I really do believe the Ramones are trite and tedious.

I really do believe the Ramones are trite and tedious.

Yeah, I have really old AV Club accounts that were made before the Disqus crap. Do those just vanish?

Yeah, I have really old AV Club accounts that were made before the Disqus crap. Do those just vanish?

Argh, I'll have to turn off automatic updates for Firefox because they always restart the browser. I'll never be able to update it.

Argh, I'll have to turn off automatic updates for Firefox because they always restart the browser. I'll never be able to update it.



Maybe I'll sign up for Twitter. Facebook can bite me.

Maybe I'll sign up for Twitter. Facebook can bite me.

Is this thread moderated? Can we say despicable things with impunity?

Is this thread moderated? Can we say despicable things with impunity?

This comment thread would be the ultimate kvlt black-metal website. It's so exclusive, it's only available to people who have the tab open permanently, and anyone who leaves is permanently banished.

This comment thread would be the ultimate kvlt black-metal website. It's so exclusive, it's only available to people who have the tab open permanently, and anyone who leaves is permanently banished.

This comment thread would be the ultimate kvlt black-metal website. It's so exclusive, it's only available to people who have the tab open permanently, and anyone who leaves is permanently banished.

The new site is shite. Not worth joining Nazi ass Facebook.

The new site is shite. Not worth joining Nazi ass Facebook.

What happens if you refresh the page?

What happens if you refresh the page?

I want Democrats to field a 2020 presidential candidate so repellent that voters abandon the two-party system wholesale.