
Is this a superhero movie for people who hate superhero movies? I've been badmouthing the genre for many years now, to the point that I've suggested it needs to shut down and go into hibernation for a while. Will Wonder Woman change my mind?

1966 was, not coincidentally, also the year of The Monkees. There was something silly in the air. The stage was set for the hippie freakout of 1967.

Italian Spiderman took West's surf-off idea and added chicks and penguins. That was cool

Will the imminent reappraisal of Mr. West's lighthearted Batman also prompt a reappraisal of the gritty reboot concept, which is a well that was pumped dry long ago? Probably not.

I've never understood why Dirty Rotten Scoundrels got such shitty reviews. It had a lot of good laughs and a novel premise and bankable stars, yet critics hated it.

It's not all bad, only about 98% of it. The other 2% ranges from okay to kickass.

So Blink 182 ain't punk, but Offspring and Green Day are?

What plot point?

Set in WWI, because of course you want WW2 available for the gritty reboot.

Phanstasm still has to be the definitive 70's B movie. So 70's. So B. And good.

Faye Dunaway was an A-list star in the 70's. If she was in it, it couldn't credibly be called a B movie.

Listened to 70's prog rock. Ordered more 70's prog rock from Amazon.

God is a superstition. But you don't get to drill Kimmy if you own everything around her.

Indeed, nothing says liberal/progressive like cheering Barack Obama's slaughtering vast numbers of nameless brown people in a permawar that covers the whole Middle East.

Maher is far left? In what alternate universe?

Maher is also one of those war-loving "kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out" liberals who appeared like a plague of locusts shortly after Barack Obama became President..

I'd never heard of Lil Yachty until I read this article, so I am greatly relieved to hear it's okay to not care about him.

The first Phantasm must have attracted some interesting audiences. It's basically a stoner horror movie, and it might have even felt like the dawning of a new genre when it was new.

I saw Back To The Future several times in the theater. It was a hoot.

I can say from personal experience that you did NOT want to see Pulp Fiction anywhere near a college campus unless you wanted to hear college students laughing really loudly.