
Other scenes have aged just as poorly as hair metal, but none has ever aged so rapidly.

I'll tell you an interesting viewing experience I had: watching Decline of Western Civilization Part II for the first time in late 1993. Watching this movie at that time, it was hard to fathom that LA hair metal had been a commercial and cultural juggernaut less than two years prior. But hair metal had drifted so

Nah, they were hipsters, even if they didn't call themselves that at the time. And really, how many hipsters have ever called themselves hipsters? Disavowing the label is part of the gig.

Hate to ruin your fantasy, but seeing Pulp Fiction in the theater when it was new was a major drag because the audiences were packed with hipsters who laughed WAY too loud at every joke. I mean the type of explosive gales of laughter designed to show every other hipster within earshot that you were in on the joke.

You could get it right now at bandcamp for $8. IMO all music should be on bandcamp.


This is true:

You missed the point entirely, which is that lawyers who work for Presidents these days are real dirtbags who don't have any ethical red lines. It's worse than ever since 9/11. Even when they're not scummy enough to sign off on illegal shit, they're happy to look the other way while their colleagues do. They won't do

Van Der Graaf Generator, Gentle Giant, ELP, King Crimson. I feel a Summer Of Prog coming.

John Dean needs a lesson in recent history: Back in 2011, when President Obama's idiotic war in Libya breezed past the deadlines contained in the War Powers Resolution of 1973, most of Obama's lawyers considered him in violation of the law. This includes the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel headed by Caroline Krass,

I think it's inevitable that mainstream pop stars ditch the idea of albums being the primary vehicle for releasing music. Albums will become a niche format, and that's fine.

45 minutes is what fits on an LP. It established listener expectations that remain entrenched to this day. The advent of CDs could have changed that, but everybody decided to stick with the standards from the vinyl days.

I love the album format but I have to admit it's kind of a weird relic. Decades after the advent of CDs, a typical album length still conforms to what fits on a vinyl LP, which is bizarre. Now we're moving to a post-CD environment and albums still typically come in at 40 to 45 minutes. We're still basically buying

I have her Greasiest Hits Vol I album.

I am hopelessly devoted to conventional modern medicine.

Obviously Danzig is a crummy human being, but his appeal as a musician has always baffled me. Everything he's ever done in music is transparently silly and juvenile, but inexplicably he has this iconic status in punk and metal. Bad person, bad musician. I've never had any use for him.

Dudley Moore in 1967 Bedazzled is best nun.

The frost of Blashyrkh is eternal and unyielding.

I admire their taste in witch movies.

Except for the tail they rather look like squirrels.