
I like the part where Nixon asked if he had any unexplored options to stay in power. Boothe: "You have the Army. Lincoln used it."

Putin! Boothe played the courageous Lt. Col. Andy Tanner(USAF) in Red Dawn. A true icon of The Resistance.

It's for boring people of all ages, a subset of which are adults. So yes, it's for adults.

Maybe I'm paranoid, but if powerful people have reason to want me silenced, and an adorable 9-year-old shows up at my door unannounced with a plate of cookies, I immediately suspect a midget assassin.

I've been enjoying performances of The Red Army Choir on youTube. I plan on blasting these in my car with the windows rolled down all summer. I live in the Washington D.C. area and I know this will get a satisfying reaction from other motorists. So many fuckheads believe Russia has taken over the U.S. government.

You got me. Obama wasn't in the Senate two years when he ran for Prez:

I'm not on the right. I'm way to Obama's left. I've just never liked how Obama's featherweight legal career was puffed up to compensate for his thin resume.

Here's a fun party game I like to play with people like you: try to make Barack Obama's legal career sound even slightly impressive without using the word "Harvard." GO!

Obama is actually a good advertisement against a Harvard Law education. He has a long-standing habit of expressing a legal opinion, then abruptly retracting it and taking the opposite opinion, in effect saying "I was full of shit. You were stupid to believe what I told you."

I guess maybe you confused Governor of California with President of the United States.

I'm not saying Obama was as unqualified as Trump. I'm saying Obama lowered the bar for qualifications WAY below where it had been. I very much doubt Trump would have been viable in 2016 without Obama lowering the bar so far.

If you think Barack Obama was some sort of distinguished legal scholar in 2008, you might want to consider that President Barack Obama routinely shat all over his own legal opinions from his pre-POTUS days.

Obama wasn't a professor. He was a guest lecturer who taught a few classes. His law "career," such as it was, was laughably undistinguished. He had no casework, no published scholarship, no rulings from the bench, no anything. He had a diploma from Harvard. That was about it. And once he became POTUS he

You forgotten Barack Obama already? His resume was light as a feather when he ran for POTUS in 2008. He'd been in the U.S. Senate for all of two years at the time. Before that he was a state legislator. His meteoric rise was entirely based on his cornball speeches. He was basically a political celebrity. In a

The FBI has a vacant slot.

Never heard of him or his show.

Is it too soon to make an ironically heroic biopic about Osama bin Laden based on Arthurian legend?

You mean he'll recycle Barack Obama's horseshit 2008 shtick? That actually wouldn't surprise me at all.

Which party is Zuckerberg running in for 2020? I'm guessing Democratic, though an opportunity to run as the GOP's alternative to Trump would also be tempting. Independent? Nah, prolly not.

Pepe is the douchebag William Wallace. Killing him will not produce the intended effect.