
Mine will be Sugar N' Roses.

You might like Blood Ceremony. They describe themselves as "a folkier Black Sabbath." They're kinda like Sabbath plus Jethro Tull and Fairport Convention.

Kindly allow me to word you up: it's called keeping it real, homes.

Meh. It's mellow, but not smooth.

I had the Pinball Summer theme stuck in my head for a while, to the point where I actually sat alone in a dark room several times getting shitty drunk on cheap wine with that one song on endless repeat in my headphones all night. It was almost hallucinatory. I really did this. No joke.

. . . , but enough about Hillary Clinton's 2016 run. (rimshot)

Could also have been due to the fact that pop culture has mined the "gritty reboot" concept far past the point of diminishing returns.

WTF? This was a real show and I'm just now hearing about it? Sounds like an April Fool's Day joke.

The Empire will compensate you if he dies.

This is the promise of the Tree Of Life.

Jive turkey is still over the line.

Obama wasn't cozy with Russia? He got a lot of pressure from factions within both parties to provide lethal aid to Ukraine to fight pro-Russian separatists. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton, etc. kept prodding Obama, but he never yielded. Clearly he was sucking Putin's wiener. What other proof do you

Take it easy, Matlock. AV Club is not a courtroom. I'm not a lawyer and I wasn't using the word misconduct in a legalistic sense.

I hear he hates Jews too! Let's makes jokes about him being a Jew-lover! That'll really get his goat.

Ah, okay. I'm sure if a year ago Dennis Miller had made a joke about Barack Obama's mouth being Vladimir Putin's "cock holster," Democrats would have seen nothing offensive in it.

"But the RNC emails!" Pointing at someone else's misconduct to excuse your own misconduct is morally sketchy enough, but Democrats operate on an even lower level. They point at someone else's hypothetical misconduct that may or may not have occurred to excuse their own misconduct. Even a child would find that a

Bullshit. Assange was not the source of those embarrassing DNC emails. The DNC was the source of those embarrassing DNC emails.

Not just a bad President, but a bad human being.

That's a false choice. There was a third option: Obama could have kept his promise to end these shitty wars. It's kinda what we elected him for, remember?

Not just that, but making the surveillance state palatable to liberal values. Those of us on the Left who have retained our commitments to restoring civil liberties and ending wars are now completely frozen out of the two-party system thanks to Barack Obama. Fuck him.