
Cirith Ungol - War Eternal.
Slayer - War Support

I agree. I'm an old bastard and young people bore the fuck out of me when they do punk rock. It's just juvenile temper tantrums over hackneyed and shitty music. So tedious.

Take a wild guess why punk bands developed a sudden interest in putting out ska songs in the late 90's.

Also a disappointing lack of sheriff-shooting.

Great list. I remember hearing most of these songs on the radio when they were new. However, if you want a really morbid 70's pop lyric, the pinnacle is The Poppy Family's There's No Blood In Bone. This is lyrical grimness on a death-metal level.

The Borg Queen will assimilate them all.

Finally an explanation for why millennials disliked Hillary Clinton.

TIL Purple Rain was released on 8-track tape by Warner Bros. back in 1984. Reissue it?

Def Leppard: "Rock Of Ages" and "Bringing On The Heartbreak." Never been a Lepp fan but these two songs kick ass.

I quite liked that Shania Twain song "No One Needs To Know." Otherwise I'm not a fan.

Get any of the first 3 BOC records. They're all rock solid from start to finish. Every song falls in the good-to-great range of quality.

She's paraphrasing Duke from Repo Man: "I know a life of inauthenticity led Hillary to this sorry fate, and yet, I blame society. Society made Hillary what she is."

That's not true. Historians generally regard the Luftwaffe's loss of air superiority over the Western Front as a positive development.

Historical accuracy? There are Ju-87G's flying daylight raids in the ETO in 1944-45. The Ju-87 had mostly been phased out by then in favor of the FW-190, and the remaining Ju-87's were used on the East Front because Allied air superiority had made it suicidal to fly them over western Europe in daylight.

This is the type of thoughtful insight I want from AV Club. I haven't thought about the vest-over-Tshirt look in 20 years, but here I am thinking about it. I believe you're correct: it was a fashion that existed on TV/movies and nowhere else.

"But Thurston, we're planning to record the show and release it on cassette."

"I'm With Her" is the most vacuous political slogan imaginable. I couldn't think of a more vacuous slogan if I tried. "Make America Great Again" is leagues better. It's not brilliant by any means, but it does suggest a sense of mission, and it has the name of the country in it. "I'm With Her" is just shite.

No. Going into a race with massive institutional and financial advantages and eking out a narrow win against an unpopular political neophyte would certainly NOT have been hailed as brilliant. It would have been viewed as a scary wake-up call for Hillary — a warning that she'd have to up her game if she wanted to win

Okay, here's my idea of incompetence: consistently making bad decisions and displaying zero capacity to learn from mistakes, or even to acknowledge them.

Pretty sure I do. Pretty sure you don't.