
Yeah, nothing says competence like backing every disastrous military operation that was ever proposed in Washington. Iraq War? Check. Troop surge in Afghanistan? Check. Regime change in Libya? Check. Funding rebel organizations of sketchy provenance in Syria? Check.

It helps to look at it like a stream of random Keith Emerson Moog solos and Carl Palmer drum solos. Who could be bored by that?

Branson on the Hudson.

Nuremberg, hilariously, has been retrospectively morphed into a travesty of justice by our previous President, who is a Harvard-educated Constitutional lawyer. He turned "I had a note from my lawyer" and "I was promised I wouldn't get in trouble for this" into perfectly valid legal defenses for war crimes when he

Not Rainbow. On Stage was out before Long Live Rock 'N' Roll.

When I was a kid I was trusting enough to believe those 70's hairstyles were intended as expressions of just how uber-cool these characters were. They were ahead of their time! Super cool! But no. Those hairstyles were just lazy wardrobe decisions made on autopilot by stoned hairdressers who probably didn't even

Stand by for President Trump's drunken tweetstorm.

Can I get some examples of rock bands that actually obeyed the Foghat Principle? The only ones I can think of are Kiss, Blue Oyster Cult, Grand Funk, and Cheap Trick.

I dislike the low-effort slacker attitude of standing back with arms folded and mocking performers who attempt to be flamboyant and larger than life. If Yo La Tengo doesn't want to be flamboyant or energetic on stage, fine. But spare us the mockery of performers who do.

Funny video, but a bit derisive for my liking. Jack Black does similar goofs on hard rock and heavy metal but it's from a place of affection and respect. This Yo La Tengo video gives me the sense that the bandmembers probably think hard rock and metal are just plain stupid.

What's wrong with apesuits? I've always wanted to be served food by a person in an apesuit.

No. Stills was a tremendous talent in his prime, far better than Nash ever was.

Hippies fuck off! 4/20 will always be the Führer's birthday to me.

My wife says she needs two hours with a bottle of Jack Daniels to make me not look like that.

That was my first thought. These drinks are basically kiddie coffee. Red Bull and its ilk got high school kids onto caffeine. Now the goal is to tap the middle-school market.

"What What (In the Butt)" went live on Feb. 14th, 2007. That would have made for a good 10-year retrospective. It's one of the earliest viral videos I can remember.

Zzzzz. Silly pop music of this ilk is the lowest of low-hanging fruit. A hate object ought to be at least slightly thought-provoking or enraging(preferably both).

I didn't even know of GrubHub before today, but I'm already suspecting it's the urban folk who say things like "It's hard to imagine a world without GrubHub" who are the ones who can't figure out why the Democratic Party lost touch with working-class voters in flyover country.

Never heard of Seamless and don't feel like googling it.

Just one minute ago I had to google GrubHub to find out what it is; consequently I believe I am able to imagine a world without GrubHub.