
The DVD will include a Special Feature in which Lena says a teary farewell to all her American friends before embarking for the frozen tundra of Canada.

Quit stalling and go full CGI already. We all know it's only a matter of time before movie franchises unburden themselves of the tyranny of human actors and their habit of getting old and dying. So fucking do it already.

Pacing is too hectic. One of my fave MST3K episodes is The Starfighters, specifically for its somnolent pace and gray blandness. I don't think this new crew could even handle a movie as sluggish as The Starfighters. You have to let it breathe.

Never heard of these guys. Their music is boring.

I'm curious because there seems to be a bit of a cult(or Krullt if you will) around this movie now. Is the cult composed of people who were too young to have seen the movie in 1983, or nostalgic old farts? I actually bought a ticket to see Krull in 1983 and sat through the whole thing. I can't imagine anyone

Just curious: who else saw Krull in its original theatrical run?

Are those Herbie the Love Bug movies any good? I remember going to see one in the mid/late 70's and the theatre had a VW Beetle in the lobby painted like Herbie. I don't remember the movie at all, not even the title. It had to have been Herbie Goes To Monte Carlo or possibly Herbie Rides Again.

I'd almost forgotten about this one: The Concorde … Airport '79. Yeah I'm old.

Krull maybe. There might have been worse that I can't recall at the moment.

As a leftist, I say let Fearless Girl stay. She's a perfect symbol of modern liberalism. She expresses no systemic objection to predatory oligarchy; she merely asks for more diversity among the oligarchs. She wants to join their club. That's liberalism in its final form.


Donald Trump has my vote in 2020 if he can get Other Space back into production.

Rest in Poop.

He outlived his time? The kids are all still crazy about Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.

Cool youTube video April 5th, 2015:

Anyone who thought Hillary Clinton was a good candidate is a jackass and has no business doing political commentary. That's not 20/20 hindsight either. Hillary was obviously a garbage candidate; that was clear long before the election.

Just what the world needs — another political lecture from a loud-mouthed show-biz genius who endorsed Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders. All of this blob of wealthy barely-left-of-center celebrity endorsers have been a millstone around the Democratic Party's neck. If Democrats weren't such a money-grubbing

Why aren't Democrats recruiting Putin's team then? If the grand Kremlin conspiracy theory is to be believed, Putin must have some of the most brilliant political minds in world history working for him. The political consultant classes of both the Democratic and Republican parties are a bunch of chimps by comparison.

What did you think Hillary Clinton's job was as a candidate? Was it just to raise money and wait for the votes that were owed her to come rolling in?

Okay. But I have a beef with the people who've enabled the Democratic Party's worst tendencies through decades of unconditional party loyalty and zero accountability for broken promises. The Democratic Party sucks ass because you've refused to demand anything better.