
We called them arks in my day.

Reposted A7X Fan sez you nutless posers can't handle Boondock Saints.

Johnny Manziel is also newly woke and attempting a comeback.

Nah, it's still a good word for now. It'll run its course eventually.

Seriously. How can you not rip off existing songs anymore? Every song has basically already been written.

Putin is an old KGB vet. Clearly he decided to wait until Trump's inauguration to avenge his dead comrades killed by Chuck.

Or Chuck Billy of Testament.


It's like the death of vaudeville all over again. Somebody should do a respectful retrospective before it's too late, though without Chuck it may already be too late.

I did. I've had it in my Amazon shopping cart a few times over the past year and almost pulled the trigger, but always chickened out at the last moment.

Yeah, must concur. Anyone who still thinks Danzig's corny shtick is cool after all these years is definitely not in the throes of a passing phase.

This is what CGI was invented for.

Too much work, even for a loose leaf teahead like me. I just bought a 1 kilogram bag of Taylors of Harrogate Earl Grey. The little 4.4 oz. tins weren't economical enough.

The Malört of teas. Rugged and unrelenting (even brutal) to the palate.

or Huey Lewis.

I'm not a Democrat. And it's a myth that Republicans fall into line more readily than Democrats. Ideological conservatives in the Republican Party are vastly more contemptuous of their party leadership than so-called liberal Democrats, who can always be counted on to fold like a cheap chair. Obama had very little

Yes, during the Obama years Democrats did a fabulous job of purging or marginalizing all their sincere anti-war and pro-civil liberties members. I wish I could say the rot started at the top of the party and filtered down, but Democratic voters have repeatedly shown themselves all too eager to jettison their

I don't know these Channels people, but fuck them. There's a special place in hell reserved for liberals who screeched about Bush's assaults on civil liberties and then sat silent for eight years when Barack Obama continued the same policies. Case in point: these Channels jagoffs were apparently happy to decry the

79 minutes sounds about right. Back in the day that was a typical runtime for horror.

Old people are uncool. Pass.