
Conserve meat to beat Putin! We all have a steak in this fight.

Except at Christmas.

Bitch. How much did Putin pay you to trash SNL?

It's a meatphor for the difficulty of governing.

No girls in the clubhose!

Hillary Clinton is available.

Nah, it's just Pearl Jam. Blandly generic meat-and-potatoes musicianship is their sound. They could replace their drummer every year and nobody would notice as long as the new guy was another generic rock dude, and those guys grow on trees.

That's not the point. All those snotty faux-liberal celebrities ironically sporting old Iron Maiden shirts in public are not doing anybody any favors except Trump. "Ha ha, look at me, I'm dressed like a meth-addled laid-off factory worker!" is no way to re-connect with the working class voters Democrats have lost

Democratic Party brain trust: "Ironic mockery of pop culture that's beloved by white working class people is our new strategy to defeat Trump in 2020!"

It's George the Animal Steele in a wig.

I saw this movie in a theater when it came out. I liked it.

There is potential for arguments in the comments if you put punk and metal bands on the same pageview. This is a good thing, because metalheads and punks are supposed to hate each other.

In these hectic times, it is best to lump all the week's music together and give it a single grade:

Comment system = worse than 9/11.

Worse than Hitler, this new comment system, it is.

That's how I feel about VU. I also have a very similar reaction to the Ramones. I understand why musical primitivists like VU and Ramones were a breath of fresh air in their day and inspired lots of musicians to create their own art, but their day was a long time ago. I don't derive listening pleasure from knowing


Accepted gradually? No, acceptance wasn't gradual at all. Once Barack Obama became the genial face of the Surveillance State, most of the American Left abruptly ceased resistance. Obama's first few years in office were an absolute horror show for civil liberties and most of the liberals who screeched about Bushian

That's the spirit! More please.

Bravo, unprincipled Democratic Party loyalist. Stay loud and proud. Keep doing your part to make the Democratic Party so loathsome that any left-of-center voter with a functioning moral compass will want nothing to do with you in 2020.