
Is good song.

We stop at pancakes house.

Punk rock, despite being hipster-approved for four decades now, has its share of scumbags. Also, punk musicianship is mostly terrible. At least the metal scumbags can play.

Am I correct to assume we all watched TY beat Stats at IEM Katowice?

Next he will learn meatphors.

I agree. The problem with Idiocracy is that it's a charming bit of conservative elitism that has fooled lots of liberals into thinking it's something other than what it is.

AV Club — Oct. 05, 2010:

Idiocracy is a funny movie but it's not even close to being accurate futurism. The faux-liberal loyalists of the Democratic Party will never return to power so long as their worldview is of themselves as the good/smart guys in an imaginary Idiocracy scenario. If anything, clinging to silly elitist fantasies like

Why isn't Toto on this tour? It makes no sense.

Yeah, we leftists are such grouchy assholes for resenting Obama for governing in a manner that was wildly at odds with how he marketed himself to left-leaning voters in 2008. The motherfucker lied his ass off to us, but we're the assholes for pointing it out.

Wait til you see Obama's speaking fees. He's going to make a fortune speaking to all the Wall Street crooks he neglected to prosecute. Oligarchs always see to it that politicians who play ball are lavishly rewarded upon their return to the private sector.

Thanks for reducing American liberalism to little more than a stylistic aesthetic, ya fucking prick.

The Riverbottom Nightmare Band really should have been invited to play Trump's inauguration party. Inexcusable oversight.

"Poochie the Dog" wasn't generic enough, and it was already taken anyway.

Seems depressingly apt for the times that a nominally "rock" project doesn't rock, but why should it? Would pre-pubescent kids in 2017 recognize rock 'n' roll if they heard it? Do they even know what a guitar hero is? Even college kids seem to have a fairly dim understanding of the old-school rock ethos inhabited by

If she wanted to make a socially conscious 1950's redux video that's relevant in 2017 she could have made one about the dread menace of Russia. Because nothing says progressive in 2017 more than accusing people of being Russian spies.

I'm reading The Arms of Krupp, which is a metal book, literally. It's about development of the technology of steel and using steel to create war machines and build empires. Metal up your ass.

Show would have been a smash hit as a Ted Cruz bio.

Cuffed jeans were even more embarrassing than Zima and they've been back for a few years now. Stupid shit always comes back.

Suppose Auschwitz girl's original chorus was