
Dragonsong and Dragonsinger together tell one of the most touching and inspiring tales in scifi/fantasy literature. I think if they did that story in one movie with as much care and love of the story that Jackson had for LOTR it would be blockbustery good with a years and years long shelf life.

I didn't notice any problems at all with Connie's voice because it was CONNIE BRITTON. Who can complain about anything she does, says or thinks? She is perfect. I love this show because it stars Connie Britton.

I didn't notice any problems at all with Connie's voice because it was CONNIE BRITTON. Who can complain about anything she does, says or thinks? She is perfect. I love this show because it stars Connie Britton.

I dunno, but I'm leaning towards your conspiracy theory, Claire. Jessica in the finals makes for more drehma. I think the producer/s would be tempted to show the legitimacy and power of the judges Save (seems like 2 months ago). I really can't imagine that the Save 'invigorated' America to cast more votes her way.

I really enjoy your excellent reviews Claire. I was steeling myself to be deeply disappointed when P2 beat Skylar in the finals, but now I'm just so confused. I rooted for Hollie, enjoyed her performances and especially her improvement, but P2 was by far the worst performer for the past 2 weeks (at least) and he's


I want to be the guy with the sophisticated taste that appreciates true wit and disdains cheap childish humor and with 2BG's sausage jokes and racism, etc., I am. But there is something about Kat's delivery and look that I find absurdly appealing. I guess I am partial to snarky comediannes that are omg-built? Also, I

Skylar fittin to break bad all ovah Ted's ass. All over it.

Todd - excellent review

Coincednza? o Conspiriatzi??
I try not to see conspiracies everywhere, but I'm pretty sure Simon uses the voting results of the weeks before to construct his ctritiques. I think if someone's failing in the vote, he will slam them no matter what they do. Likewise, praise for the lead vote getter. Just so he can be

Thanks for writing this up! I've enjoyed this season most of all.

Reasons to live
I unashamedly enjoy Idol, but I can't help but agree with everything my cooler friends hate about the show. Most especially the 15 seconds of content they manage to squeeze into the hour long horrid horrid results shows…2 hours tonight apparently…Idol's giving back by robbing me of the will to live.

I like Siobhan but Suspicious Minds was wrong for her. It bothered me that she was smiling at the beginning. Like "We're caught in a trap" but aren't we havin fun! It means she had no connection to the song a tall. Bottom 3 tonight Ima think. But safe.

Prolly my own wishful thinking but I don't believe Alison was bottom 3. I think it was just like last week with Lil, Matt, & Anoop but the producers *wanted* to tell Matt he was safe and so they made Alison sit with Anoop. They wanted to make it a bigger deal that Matt was 'saved' last week and even

Tracks of my tears
Allison did really great, but the best of the night, and the best of the season actually, was Adam's Tracks of My Tears. I'll buy that song as is. It was every bit as good as Melinda Dolittle's My Funny Valentine a few seasons ago. Better than David Cook's Billie Jean. Great stuff tonight.

Weaver alone
Is the creepiest hawt I've ever seen. She's so stunning and so creepy at the same time. Weird. More Cam + More Weav = More better. That's my equation for a really good ep.

Were the judges listening to something else
when they raved about Megan's song? She was terrible. I'm sorry she had the flu but this is two truly awful weeks for her. I really liked Lambart taking a genre he would never want to have anything to do with and taking an Eastern crap on it. I liked his falsetto. I

Michael's success
I love how the Scranton office's numbers are good and Michael has absolutey. no. idea. why. Such clever writing and absolutely brilliant improvisation.

And, you know, the thing about a bikini girl… she's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When she comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living… until she bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then… ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. The ocean turns red, and despite all the

One of the very first things Kyle said to Linda Hamilton is that there's no going back to the future. The only way we can see Kyle in this series is if they show a flashback memory someone else is having that came back from the future. It wouldn't be bad to see that. I liked the suggestion in the original story