
Lost in summer morning winter travel very far
I miss Summer so much. Where is she? She gets throwed thru a window and that's all they give me? We need Daylight Savings time! Long summer hours like last week. *sobs*

I just wanted to tell y'all that from now on when I might have used the letters OMG to express awe, I'm now going to use the letters SMG.

Jack & Rose are vital to the movie, really
People throw off on the love story but it really is vital to telling the story of Titanic.

"Archuleta is t3h su)(" - Elvis from Rock & Roll Heaven
I shall try to make up for my simpering Syeshalove earlier by loathing WonderBread's "Love Me Tender". What a horrible song. Elvis steals a Civil War love ballad and it somehow gets on a R&R HOF list??? Someone explain this insanity! Barry Manilow has more

I'm too old & sentimental for this cynical board I know, but I gotta stand up for Syesha. I started tearing up when she said she was *going* to sing Change. She choked up a little during the middle and that had me weeping along with her. (I'm weeping now a little just remembering it).

Good point. I think it is indicitive of how stupid the singthesongthatgotyouvotedoff concept is. She really gave it her all Tuesday, I thought. Perfect song choice. Perfectly performed. Totally charming. And then to get Bottom 2? How could you perform with the same fervor?

Jesus Christ Superstar is a song that denies that Jesus is the Messiah. If America responds to Carly solely because she sang about Jesus then America would get it wrong. She botched the lyrics, but she sang the hell right out of it. She did great.

Sorry. 1st sentence should read:

SttLORD is the Amazing Grace of the 20th century
There's no difference between Kristy singing Amazing Grace in her audition. I guess AG is a little easier to stomach for Christian hatahs since it doesn't mention any names (except "I" and "me").

Run for cover!
Like Moses said as he rode the chariot to Heaven, "There's nothing new under the sun".

That was brilliant. Thanks for the link. You got nothing to be ashamed of though. I love this.

I am the homophobic walrus
I'm as homophobic as any suthan dumbass, but that doesn't have anything to with why I didn't vote for David H. I bought Queen albums back in the day. And I've always had a don't ask don't tell policy with David Bowie, John Lennon, Pete Townsend and EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE.

Kady's encore
During the middle of Kady's song last night, we all looked at each other and said, "This is so bad, we're going to have to hear it again on the Results Show!"

I really like Amanda
I'm really puzzled at all of the hatin' on Amanda. I think the judges counseled her correctly and that she needs to be more 'herself'. Her hair was indeed scary, but I've voted for her two weeks in a row because her performance was the least canned of all the performers.