
I'm in a similar position here, which is why I like Hamilton more for its wonderful lyricism and musicality. It can't help being reductive at times (although I love the cabinet rap battles for their wit) so It's the big character-focused, fan-fic-y parts that grab and move me the most, like "Satisifed," "Quiet


Lol if ISIS wants to get through then they can find a lot easier way to get to Europe than being herded through as refugees.

Where do you get the idea that most of them are unskilled? The ones who are simply looking for better economic opportunities are migrants, not refugees. And in the example of Syria, literally everyone is trying to get the fuck out of that country, so that includes the professional and upper classes as well. An exodus

But…she did? Like part of the reason why she asked his friends about what they thought about the stealing incident was to see whether they saw it as a symptom of moral deviousness and a capability for like, actual murder. It was interesting because we learned that 1) this was the only bad thing about him that his

I don't know if she was purposely being cynical. I think that's her resting personality/expression.

I think she's a fairly good actress within the right genre, as demonstrated with her recent good reviews in actress-centered indies like Clouds of Sils Maria and Still Alice. She was completely wrong for Twilight.

There are people who have lived with so much shit in their lives that they look 15 years older than they actually are. Compounded with poor nutrition, weight, etc. Hollywood 65 is wholly believable as a 47-year-old woman living in the projects, IMO.

After that scene, she gets pregnant and they move in together, so I don't think an engagement, with or without a ring, is a far stretch.

Longtime viewer here. You absolutely do not need to watch it. It's actually probably better if you don't.

It's definitely a nod. Emma's relationship with Mr. Knightley feels slightly incestuous not only because they're sibling in-laws, but because their relationship so strongly resembles a real one. As he points out, he practically helped raise her from a baby into a young woman, and has acted as the guiding

I was about to agree, and then I realized that I have zero memory of Olivia Munn in the movie. Like I didn't even know she was in the movie until you brought it up. Damn, is she bland.

I'm pretty sure a lot of British people said that as well, since there are, you know, quite a few black people in Britain.

I thought she looked too glamorous in the trailer for a female police officer—like, yeah, police officers would have a stylish cut like that, and wear lipstick, etc. Then again, I think men generally think women are ill when they're not wearing any makeup at all.

Which was still half as much as Gary hated himself in that moment. It was actually kind of sad to see him literally beating himself up for it. He's probably the only one who truly cares for Selina beyond her political power.

I definitely remember a scene from the books where Ser Barristan wants to tell Dany about her father, but she stops him, saying that she isn't ready to hear it yet. She's definitely heard enough about her father at this point; she knows what's up, even if she doesn't know the full history.

She was never officially engaged, but it wasn't just wishful thinking. Both she and Tywin were hoping for it, and Tywin ended up being incredibly insulted when the king married Rhaegar off to Elia instead. Remember that Rhaegar and Elia hadn't been married very long; their eldest child was only a few years old and

"If it's normal within the scene"? I think watching a little too much GoT has gotten you confused about how much nudity is exactly "normal." In the books Dany has barely any nude scenes.

not as terrible as the AV Club "best of 90s movies" list, which was mediocre as fuck. good job!

this is all i want, though.