
Tug-of-war with Pete: "IT SAYS DON ON IT."

Leighton Meester was what made Gossip Girl actually watchable and sincerely hilarious at times. She always blew Blake Lively clear off the screen when they were acting opposite of each other. I'm a fan.

It's so weird that you can be so bitter and caustic while watching a show that is, as everyone has pointed out, joyful and loving to its core.

In my own experiences, the people I know who are depressed slash take anti-depressants are literally the last people on Earth I would have imagined to be depressed, bipolar, etc. Around me, they're super happy and chill people, incredibly successful people, relaxed and seemingly balanced people. I used to be part of a

It is one of my favorite books, but precisely because of what a horror story it is (although it wraps up with a relatively happy ending). The first time I read it, I threw it across my living room with disgust. I picked it up again eight years later and was enraptured by the rage and thunder. Plus, the prose is

God, I hope not. point of Daisy is that she turns out to be as basic and lily-livered as fuck. Cathy waffles over class issues for a bit, but she's impulsive to the point of madness and the bigger problem turns out to be that she's too much for anyone to handle, living or dead, including herself.

"If I have a complaint, it's the way Brontë's dialogue is almost completely effaced by the almost stridently minimalist screenplay"

I loved that line, but Tina Fey responding to that by tearing up her notes in anger was the highlight of the episode for me. I think I've just really, really missed her.

Just re-playing that scene in my mind brings tears of mirth to my eyes. I discovered a sense of humor the day I watched it.

He's so affable and charismatic that I don't think people actively disliked him, per se. But it was definitely a huge letdown, especially when you compare it to literally any one of his other past hosting gigs.

Imma stop you for a moment. Trigger warnings aren't like a giant NO sign indicating that the content is inherently problematic or capital-b Bad. They're just there to warn/prepare survivors that the content could potentially reawaken lots of traumatic memories. I laughed hysterically during the "rape fire" scene, but

There's a cafe near where I live that serves strudel with whipped cream, and I went and ate their strudel for an obsessive period of time after I saw that movie

She just won the French version of the Oscar for Clouds of Sils Maria. I haven't seen the movie or harbor any strong feelings about her, so I am not saying this with any smugness or vindictiveness. I just thought it was a good fact to throw in.

I love pretty much all of these movies, but my god, next time please compile a list that reads off as a something that is actually written by movie critics rather than a list of the top 50 most beloved movies of twenty-something white males. Like, I'm not a particularly ardent cinephile and I've seen practically

I love pretty much all of these movies, but my god, next time please compile a list that reads off as a something that is actually written by movie critics rather than a list of the top 50 most beloved movies of twenty-something white males. Like, I'm not a particularly ardent cinephile and I've seen practically

Yeah, this sounds very much like another tale-tale he once gave, back in the 90s when he was arrested for trashing a hotel room and he told the police that it was only because an armadillo attacked him.

Funnily enough, back when The Grand Budapest Hotel was announced, I'm pretty sure I read some tidbits about how Wes Anderson wanted Depp onboard for the role of Gustave H.

Or the author JM Barrie in Finding Neverland? REALLY liked him in that one. It was so completely opposite of his usual role because this was a character who manifested everything through writing rather than expressive tics or physical language. Depp pulled it off so gracefully and empathetically. He completely nails

Finally someone brings this up instead of her "romance" with Uncas. (I put romance in quotes because I was never convinced that her character is even aware of this.) I swear to God, that was one of the most beautiful moments in a movie I had ever seen. It's appropriate that the movie is kind of meandering and

I always wonder if people like you actually really like movies all that much