Lord Spango

In the Evening and maaayyyybbeee Dazed and Confused.

Oh, God, having sex to Mr. Bungle would be all kinds of wrong. "Squeeze Me Macaroni", "Girls of Porn", that track that has three minutes of a guy taking a dump……

Oingo Boingo's "Little Girls" ("they make me feel so good")

I gotta go with Drusilla, because I like 'em undead AND crazy. I just love how she sway-dances.

I don't watch this show regularly, but I'm amazed (after watching Freaks and Geeks) that Martin Starr grew up to be so, I don't know, normal looking. Even handsome.


I think it would be cool to see a future society that had as it's gospel some outtakes of ZMF's Sons of Anarchy comments. It'd be like A Canticle for Leibowitz, except with more ownage.

I went to high school with a Bethany. Took her to our school's equivalent of prom. Didn't even get a slow dance or holding hands. She really didn't seem to like me, enough so that I wondered why she went with me in the first place.

But he's a political philosopher (TM) as well as being an objectivist douchenozzle and an atheist! Surely someone with that many overblown descriptors must know what they're talking about!

I'm ashamed to say I thought he was kidding until he quoted THREE paragraphs of Ayn Rand at me.. And this is out of a seven or eight paragraph article, TOTAL.

I do not think it means what you think it means…..

@avclub-5934f8d8c7553f3a03d2f898e03d721c:disqus Dick troll is dickish.

PC Load Letter? The fuck does that mean?

To PID - there are a shit-ton of people out there (borderline personality disorder, etc.) who only see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear. Just because someone says something is true doesn't mean you have to believe it.


Agreed on the Samberg hate. I liked every character on this show except him. Next to him, Bad  Samberg (Junior from Under the Dome) is downright tolerable.

Damn. Now (especially after sticking with Under the Dome the WHOLE WAY THROUGH) I wish I had watched this show instead. It sounds cool.

Didn't it seem like an awfully large population for what appeared (so far) to be a sleepy Maine or Massachusetts burg?

Someone needs to create a gimmick account of Joe For The Visually Impaired, stat.

As someone said up above, it IS nice to see a show with such a surfeit of (relatively) well-rounded minority characters. Also, not to be one of THOSE people, but Abby's experience with the four white trees happened with her sister, not her friend.