Lord Spango

We do NOT really sound like that.

Tilda Swinton too, if you're into that.

Really? That guy in the picture up there is named Jacob Artist? Tool. Love his optimism, though.

Wait a minute, what? Where did it say/show/imply that she was trading sex for food and shelter? I watched this whole thing and I don't remember the show saying that.

Nah. Most of the freaks are lovely and gentle. Now, the dude with no arms or legs who rolled a cigarette using ONLY HIS TONGUE, that dude was scary. I sometimes have nightmares of him rolling under the carts while its raining with that knife in his mouth.

Somehow, I just keep thinking about the South Park episode where Gerald becomes a dolphin through plastic surgery.

Eeeeeuuuuuwwwww. Seriously, Ted at number two? But he's so skeevy and stupid.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus So wait a minute, you're telling me that it isn't art unless it's hanging on a wall? What about books of art, like those massive coffee table books? What about sculptures? What about those people who project art onto buildings or other large surfaces?
What I'm saying is I

Cyndi Lauper - The Goonies are Good Enough
Tori Amos - Precious Things
Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
Weird Al - Party in the CIA
Some GZA tune - I want to say Liquid Swords, but that might be the album title
16 Horsepower - Haw

So I read What's on Tonight and the review said something about how the Machine's gone missing. Wasn't the Machine still feeding them information about the person of interest (how else did they know who they were looking for)? So why don't they know where it is? Did Amy Acker hide it or take control of it? I'd be

That was a genuinely terrifying speech, even though I kind of guessed what it would lead up to. I've only been watching this show for the last third or so of last season, though - can someone enlighten me as to why she's in an asylum and what her relationship with Finch and the Machine is? (Was she involved in the

But look! It's ALF! And he's back……in POG form!

Here's hoping that Winston actually keeps Furguson around and, you know, doesn't try to kill him again. The roommates could use a really cute cat to hang around with. Besides, they don't even have to buy cat food for him, he could sustain himself off Schmidt's milky man-teats indefinitely.

How dare you, sir? That annoying best friend was played by Natalie Morales, of Middleman fame, and I will brook no besmirching of her presence..

Sure you do.

Prince of Darkness is a great movie. Ambiance to spare and (what I thought) was a really cool storyline (all those transmissions coming from the future). Great stuff.

Guys, come on. Let me believe that there's no AbbiCrane shipping in this show's DNA……

I dunno. This certainly didn't suck as much as I feared, but you guys bring on all sorts of criticism that I have to agree with. It was jam=packed (not in  a good way) but I enjoyed this overall - I was kind of hoping that the witch would stick around, but Ichabod realizing that his wife was potentially salvigable

Well, from what I've heard, there ARE some sex scenes.

Sounds like a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome to me.