Lord Spango

Just wait, kid. Soon enough they'll be saying Emily Diprimio is a name that just screams "third rate horror movie hack."

You know, this is surprisingly lucid for TFAD.

"no-brainer". Heh. Someone's having fun with words.

This sounds like the kind of kick-ass festival we here in the Twin Cities haven't seen for a long time. I know Chicago is a bigger town, but dammit, we deserve something like that here.

I said, "fix the damn thing and leave my private life out of it, OK pal?"

Didn't Key & Peele already do a sketch of that, where it was like the inner-city version of Hogwarts? Where 23% of the student body had the school providing daycare for all the hell-babies?

My friend showed me this one time when I was high. I was CONVINCED that I had hallucinated the whole thing, and told him so. He promptly told me that there was no way my imagination was that fantastical.

So is Uncle Jack just being confirmed as a child molester in this? What exactly was that picture that he held up a picture of?

Hey, look at him! He's just sauntering away! Dennis, go get him!

Look Smithers, Garbo is coming to town!

FIRST! Finally, Finally FIRST!

This is just the dickiest of dick moves. Take away something that was fairly unique, that actually had a relatively passionate (if not huge) core audience. Decide to program the channel in a way that will appear to rub nerds noses in it, by dedicating itself to provide entertainment to an audience has all the sports,

Because his bald head is a solar panel providing energy for a SEX MACHINE.

On your knees you big booty bitch start sucking….
You can wash my balls with a warm wet rag 'til my balls feel smooth, and soft like silk I'm sick of your mouth and your 2 percent milk……

OK, sorry that these are specifically about NYC (not what you asked for) but here's two songs that I haven't seen them mentioned: "Fairy Tale of New York" by (I wanna say the Pogues?) and TMBG's "Everyone's Your Friend (In New York City")

Something by Dick Dale (Nitro or Misrilou) perhaps?

Spoken like someone who's never lived in North Carolina, Florida, Texas or Arizona.

As far as name-checking songs, there's always "Minneapolis" by that dog. Not the greatest song in the world, but there you go.

What about something from Wisconsin Death Trip? They're a band, right?

"or Wilfred becomes more antagonistic again and starts self sabotaging Ryan like in the early episodes"