Lord Spango

I thought the Scottish accent WAS his real accent.

Just how much alcohol/drugs/pills etc. do you have to take before the stoppage of such intake causes such a debilitating reaction as we saw in Frye? I mean, I thought I was an alcoholic……jeez.

No. No, I would not. Sounds vaguely anti-Semitic to me.

All that may be possible, but that would be a textbook abusive relationship no matter who did it to who. Unless there's some sort of revelation further along down the line in the show, that these guy's wives are ballbusting/abusive like you describe, I'm gonna stick with the Occam's Razor that the simplest explanation

Redheads are yummy.

Obligatory "which clone would you most want to have sex with?" thread:

Yeah, me too.

I've never seen you before either.

I just read it. OH MY GOD. All the people whom the author interviewed about the show, who all had good things to say about it, none of them has actually SEEN the show. And you'd think the writer (a woman, natch) would have picked up on the misogyny that, from reading Jessica, seems fairly rampant.

I want to reiterate what Jessica mentions here that these bros are tiptoeing around. All these brosephs, save the single one, are entirely supported by their working women and they have the nerve to sit around complaining what a horrible life they have with those women? I can't wait to see what happens once the women

Both Tom Waits and Nick Cave are just trying to make their way on this crazy mudball of a planet. A mudball populated by hairless psychotic apes.

For a fairly realistic me, probably a young Ray Wise or Christian Slater. Add a pot belly and glasses and that's probably a reasonable approximation.

"Others believe that it’s shit with a side order of diarrhea (I’m not sure why you need the diarrhea order when you’re already being served shit, but never mind)."
A rhetorical question, but I'll give it an answer: Because you need something to wash down all that shit.

There is the intersection of 9th and Hennepin in Minneapolis, but the prostitutes there do not have names that sound like donuts.

Behind the Laughter said it was in Missourah.

Is that a for-real lineup from a for-real show? Oh my God, that sounds like the best show ever (especially Saturday and Sunday).

I don't care who knows it - not only do I totally, unironically love Pyromania, I feel the same way about Hysteria, especially Gods of War and Excitable. Excitable in particular is pretty damn funky for an 80's hair metal song.

Love Roald Dahl now.

I'd tell them to fuck off, but I'm not rich; ergo, they don't give a shit what I think.

"Drink up, Judah Ben-hur."