Lord Spango

You know, I was really indifferent to the fact that CNN and NBC were making these movies/miniseries - as in I didn't care and wasn't planning to watch them anyway. But now that both networks appear to have caved, I'm pissed at THEM. I expect this kind of whiny-ass caterwauling from the modern Republican Party, but I

That song when they were running errands was awesome. I'd listen to that on an MP3 player.

I thought the Ghost Rider shout-out from Doofenschmirtz was pretty funny.

It actually works in both instances. Congrats on the universality of your comment, enough that it works for both articles. Now THAT'S multitasking.

So did you steal from whoever put this on the Newswire about Marah Eakin  doing the music challenge trivia, or did they steal from you? Or….(gasp)……are you the SAME PERSON?

OK, thanks for that link. She looks hot, but I don't get what you mean by the Picasso of women - all her eyes, limbs and orifices seem to be in the right place.


This was cool and brutal-looking. I hope they get more work based on this - tough women are sexy as hell as well as being somewhat terrifying.

Hey, everybody look! Diabeetus is back!

Ah. So I AM crazy. Good to know.

Yoyu know, I haven't seen all the episodes of Wilfred, but I could have sworn that there were two new episodes tonight, the second one being the family reunion at Christmas where Wilfred gifts the drawing to the family. Am I crazy and this Xmas one was previously aired, or is the good ol' AV club only reviewing one

Sean Jungian - there's a big difference between how you deal with getting off to porn (oftentimes you want to just get off a quick jerk, though I do like the slow, relaxed jerk when I can) and how you act when you're with a real-life partner. With porn and masturbation, I'm only out to please myself - because I'm the

Jordo, I'm a straight male and I agree with you on lesbian porn. I mean it's not bad, but after awhile of two hot girls messing around, I'm like, "I have never wanted to see a cock so badly in my LIFE."

We Niblonians live long and are celebrated poopers.

They still show the World Series of Poker?

Absolutely yes to a lot of the Invader Zim episodes. Probably the one where Zim steals all the organs from the other children.

Yes to the Max Headroom one.Or the infamous Geraldo special where he "found" Al Capone's vault.

Am I the only person here who thinks Eric Andre is aggressively unfunny? I'd rather see Hannibal Burress get his own show over that smug ass-clown.

Attention! The Planet Express buyout by MomCorp will take place in conference room 3A in five minutes. I AM JOR-EL, MASTER OF SCHEDULING!

Nay. I respect Harold Zoid too much to beat him to death with his own Oscar.