Lord Spango

Ahh, sorry about that. I think you're right, he said something about 5 friends (but I'm too lazy to find the sentence). I naturally assumed your comment was aimed at me, because I'm self-centered like that.

Are you referring to me? If so, yes, although actually it's probably four now that I think about it. But I only see one every three months or so (she's married and pregnant), one of them lives in Japan and I don't get to talk to him that much, and the other two friends I talk to semi-regularly but we're lucky if we


Clobberella! Captain Yesterday! MY LIEGE!

Fatbot contracted a computer virus in Tijuana and had to be rebooted.

No love for the  one where they got turned in kids, and the Professor a middle-aged man?

Number One! Requisition me a beat!

I was God once too, you know.

Goddamn Disqus ate my more extensive reply, so I'll try to sum up some of the points:

Sweet Clyde, laugh derisively at him!

I'm 40-percent Dolomite!

Awwwww…..I can't hate what is essentially me! I LOVE me!

Are you kidding? I was born here! I raised a cloud of children here! My ancestors came over on the sandwich!

That's possible. I am quite user friendly, my good chum.

Listen, this is going to be one hell of a bowel movement. He'll be lucky if he has any bones left afterwards.

We play basketball here on Amazonia. We no can dunk, but play good fundamentals.

But what about the Get Fresh crew? Surely Michelle Obama would want them on board too! I mean, come on - a rap album to promote fresh foods and vegetables and you don't want the Get Fresh crew to represent?

Your mother sounds like a smart woman.

Then you'd be Charley No-Eyes. Or No-Face. Depends on what angle it would've hit, I guess.

I've actually always been clumsy, all this resulted in is an excuse for my clumsiness from then on.