Lord Spango

Ah. Sorry. I'm not down with all this young people hippity-hop speech.

Plus Stephen Colbert playing Phil K Sebben, whom Colbert described as his favorite role of all time (apart from Stephen Colbert, of course).

Liked for the Wonder Showzen love. I miss that show.

Let me get this straight - are you dissing The Brak Show, Sealab 2021 and Space Ghost?
(stews in own juices)

I actually very nearly lost my left foot when, at age 2, I slipped on wet grass while my dad was mowing the lawn and lost a huge chunk of my heel as well as other injuries to my legs. The doctors told my parents that the lawnmower blade came within a few centimeters of cutting my Achilles tendon, which would have


I would be really sad to see the drive-in go the way of the dodo bird. Lucky enough to have two working drive-ins in the metro area I live in, and they are great fun. Make-out central when I had an girlfriend, good, cheap eats, and I once passed out from smoking weed and drinking and woke up with no cars anywhere, the

Groot Suit Riot! (Riot!)
Throw back a bottle of beer!

I thought Julie Bowen did a good job of being a geeking-out fan, a decent stand-in for us fanboy fanboys. She's obviously been watching BB for a while, and was not terribly annoying. She acquitted herself pretty well, I thought.


For Pete's sake, doesn't anyone enjoy a nice bowl of cereal anymore?

I totally, unironically, LOVE the title track off of Bat Out of Hell. It's really a rockin' nine-minute song.

Ehhhh, I might check this out. Not like there's much of anything else on tonight.

Simpsons did it!!!!!!

I'm depressed that this was Johnathon Winters' last role. Almost as bad as Orson Welles last job as Unicron.

I'm holding out for Master Mold and Nimrod myself. But Nimrod the killer robot from the future, not the lame Nimrod disguising himself as a construction worker.

So I ordered up a couple of them greasebombs
Waitress brought em over, lifted up the bun, checked them out - 
Damn! No ketchup.
So I nudged the guy sitting next to me, said "Hey partner, how about passing that ketchup bottle over here"
Suddenly this little bitty green hand holding a ketchup bottle came into view.
And I

"Sometimes in my dreams I can still hear her screams
And I wonder if she ever made it home."

This show seems like it could be interesting. Although the dude in the photo is tenting his fingers just like Mr. Burns. "Exxxxcceelllleeennnnnnntttt."

Can I just say that I enjoy this feature immensely. I always learn something from it that I can use for conversation - like, I'll use this the next time anyone talks about those clowns in congress (what a bunch of clowns) by opining that we wouldn't have all this trouble if we had elected Morris the Cat. Or Bill and