Lord Spango

The Biggest Ball of Twin in Minnesota.
Or Stuck in a Closet With Vanna White
Or Skipper Dan.
Or Generic Blues. 
Or Dare to be Stupid.
Or……………..(ad infinitum)

It was the WHOLE cartoon. 23 minutes plus commercial. And the laughtrack………….<shudder>

I loved the Inhumanoids. Those were the coolest fucking toys ever. Like Lovecraft for the early-grades set.

And both the Koch brothers have extremely punchable-looking faces.

Yes I would, Kent.

Wait, so they performed separate versions of the same song? Most cool.

I love the fact that he gives a shout-out to Motel Hell. One of the greatest, silliest movies about cannibalism around. At least I'm fairly sure they won't filch the ending, where Hannibal explains that he's so ashamed of using preservatives in his human meat.

Your loss, man.


REM - Everybody Hurts (except us, we're rich).

I remember going to see The Cell at a late night showing when it was out in theaters and there was an entire family with about 5 kids (the youngest looked to be a toddler) and they sat through whole thing. Even when the bad guy was pulling the dude's intestines out through his belly button. Hell, I was watching

Now that was something to see.

Goodbye friends. I never thought I would die this way, but I'd always really hoped.


There were two instances in my life when I found myself having two women interested me at one time.  The story of the first was that I went to a private religious  boarding high school, where a younger sister of a current student took a shine to me based on, I believe, my school photo. She liked me and another girl in

Who knew that Tarkovsky_fAD has a weakness for awkward first-date stories?

Maybe Liefeld could draw Nightcrawler's feet - they only have three toes each.

Liked for the yearning-but-unspoken homoeroticism evident in the second verse. Yes, I'm accounting for the line 'Porkin' the poon with the dick'' line - seems like braggadocio.

"Hank, help me out. I got that disease where you wake up on a bus bench after drinking too much the night before…."