Lord Spango

oilseed rape?

It's an edutainment-style show about a talking dog who's also a professor, and his spunky young nerd/sidekick who travel through time and learn things about history. It'd be a great show for kids if for the near-constant male nudity and ultraviolence. Well, maybe not a GREAT show for kids. God only knows how a kid's

"You wouldn't believe how bossy that penguin was."


"NO, not ocean, LAotian. It a land-locked country in Asia."

Fair enough. As infuriating as politics can be nowadays, you're right that there was never a good-old-days for politics. Hell, I remember hearing about how nasty politics got in historical times like the Revolution and the Civil War.
I still don't like the Tea Parties, though.

"I had it all, old top. A pretty young girl to love me, a wife to mother me…..I was living like a Frenchman."

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. I'm leaning towards sarcastic.

I call shenanigans. Dale never found out about the affair - or, at least, he never believed it.

Liked for John Redcorn blasting Judas Priest in his jeep. That shit never gets old.

I love Joe Bob. I'm pretty sure that's his name.

I ain't trusting no generation that ain't got enough sense to know what privacy means, or what it's worth.

Canadians and Swedes seem to generally have their shit together.

Quotes Thread!!!!!!!!!!

I love this show. Not nearly as wacky as most cartoons that came out, but it had great voice-acting and character building for all of its characters. Gotta admit to disliking Peggy (she was, shall we say, a little abrasive) but she was someone I could really see someone like Hank marrying.

Boy, I tell you what……

Obvious troll is obvious.

He just likes sounding stupid, is my guess. Hey Pepsi Jr., I hope you like guys, because good luck getting any women with that kind of attitude.

Since the topic of Orson Welles doesn't exactly come up every day, what piece of work from him stands out in your mind as representative of the genius he is generally regarded to be?

I don't think it's required to play the game and stuff to enjoy the show; I haven't done it and this is still the best show on Monday night (not to damn with faint praise or anything). The extra content is there if you're curious and can't wait to find out, but I'm content letting the show tell me the history at its