Lord Spango

I want to see Kenya spill the beans to Datak about Stahma's and her relationship. With Datak under the stress of the mayoral race, it seems like it could cause quite a conflagration if she did.

What is her job? To entertain? She's a failure at that too.

Probably it's just in my mind because of the Random Roles she did, but maybe Mireille Enos?

So if it's America Got Talent on in the Hannibal slot, where can we see the episode before the review goes up? Molly (I think that's the reviewer) does great with the reviews, but I'd like to watch it myself before reading and commenting.

I'd also really like to know if it's any better than the first season. I like Mireille Enos just fine, but she alone is not enough to get me to watch.

Ha Ha! Lou and his frittatas!

There ain't enough gyros in the world to convince me touch that turd - even with a ten-foot pole.

Goddamnit. Matheson was the greatest, but James Herbert was pretty damn cool too. To find out on the same day that they both died, well, that is not cool. Not cool at all.

One thing has been bugging me since the pilot - when are we gonna get a closer look at those awesome gorilla-looking aliens and what they're like, what their culture is like? I saw another one in the flashback fight between Datak and Hunter Bell, and I want them to get some play, dammit!

Liked for the American Gothic mention.

The ending of the TV version of It is what retroactively soured me on the whole thing. In the book, the final battle with Pennywise was this grand, cosmic battle that took place in their minds, while the movie ending was basically the five of them beating the shit out of some giant spider/crab-looking thing. Blech.


I think the ending does make sense. The entire theme of the movie is that Dellamorte consistently chooses to follow his dick and treats his best friend (Nagi) shamefully throughout. When finally faced with the fact that "the rest of the world doesn't exist", their roles are reversed, and now it's Dellamorte's turn to

True story: I once made my dad (a conservative Lutheran pastor) watch this movie, as I insisted (and still do) that this is one of the greatest movies around. He watched it politely, wincing at some of the more gruesome deaths and when it was over I asked him what he thought of it. He replied that he really enjoyed

Yo Gabba Gabba! is a great show for kids that we adults can get along with too. And they've had plenty of cool celebrities on there - Tony Hawk, Weird Al Yankovic, I think Selena Gomez or someone like that……..

Good point. Blink is awesome, but you're right about it not being a good episode as far as an introduction to the whole series.

Hey guys, what are some breaking-in episodes for Dr. Hfuhruhurr that you would recommend?

It shouldn't be a problem. Seeing the parodies and nothing else before watching would actually be a really interesting form of mental whiplash. I kind of envy you the experience of watching if you choose to.

Not to feed the troll, but the new series is freaking awesome - great one-shots and season-long story arcs, plus the rare show that appeals to both kids and adults.

Don't change the channel, don't touch that dial