
That's his son who looks just like Ethan, only a bit heavier. His name is Hudson.

10 years vs 9
Don said "ten" at the same time Betty said "nine." Don's rounding up to double digits to fit in with the (definitely older) British guests. Notice that Pryce's wife says they have been married 15 years immediately afterward. 15 could actually be 14 or 16 years, but it felt like a dinner table where

the announcers
FYI for those of you in Chicago: one of the announcers for the Shaq Vs events is WGN morning news Sports anchorman Pat Tomasulo. He seems like something out of a video game on this show, which is a shame, b/c he's really funny and charismatic on WGN.

"Boring" Vince was 1. banging a super hot college girl 2. turning the tables from being an 'actor' in homemade porn, to the director/cameraman/male talent 3. able to commence fucking while being put on hold.

fake-Jag driving

She's definitely too thin for my taste, and she looks like jail bait, but I imagine she's perfect for guys in high school and college. And that's the show's target level of maturity - guys actually in high school & college or who just act like they still are. And I mean that in a good way.

star power
Star power doesn't mean shit sometimes. Like in "Blade Trinity."

star power
Star power doesn't mean shit sometimes. Like in "Blade Trinity."

Nabin's pissed!
Things that instantly put Nathan Rabin in a bad mood:
1. Robot Chicken
2. Harvey Weinstein
3. Remakes
4. Adrian Zmed

When it comes to envy y'all is green

I honestly thought Michael intended to promote Ryan and Pam caught him off guard by not accepting his decision immediately. Then Michael didn't have the nerve to tell Pam the truth, so now he's stuck with either both of them still salespeople or set up to tell Ryan that he no longer is a salesman. I'm hoping that

"Paprika" was thoroughly confusing and still 100% awesome. Like a colorful dream that you can't possibly explain once it's over.
"Millennium Actress" is now in my Netflix queue based on this essay and the fact that it comes from the same director/mastermind as "Paprika."

usually compelling, always flawed
I've seen a handful of James Toback films (Black & White, The Pickup Artist, The One with Vincent Chase playing basketball, et al) and I always find something that makes me think and strikes a chord. But there are always glaring flaws that can't be ignored.
Sometimes it's a lack of a

PJ Harvey had an opening act at the VIC in Chicago (2001 or so) called Brick Layer Cake. It was one dude. He was so bad that the crowd got really noisy and angry and out of control. Then PJ Harvey came out and completely kicked ass.

Adam Scott
Will always be Pollack from "Tell me you love me" on hbo in my head. He's fantastic at being a first class asshole. Did a great job of being a total prick in "Step Brothers" which I assume is how he landed this role.

Chinks in the armor has always bothered me as an expression. Seems really racist and anti-Chinese. Which is why I laughed extra-hard at that speech.

Katy Mixon must have really impressed the show's creators. They easily could have got any actress to play a hot, Southern sexpot with a heart of gold. And conditions could have been "topless Required.". But The Mixon rocked that part so hard, she could say "fuck it! Body double!".
Which is what I think happened

A ton of influences
I really thought this episode was great. The influences were some styles I really enjoy. I spotted:
1 Stomp
2 the smashing pumpkins "tonight, tonight" video
3 what I imagine "synechdoche, ny" is like (haven't seen it yet)
4 michel gondry
5 the flight of the conchords
Any others? I'm sure there were

"Esther" by Phish
The sea shanty song in this episode reminded me of Esther off Phish's first album. Weird, creepy comic songs with circus-style accompanament (sp). Maybe it's b/c they're coming back.

Katy Mixon's body
Exceeded all expectations. She looked more like a chubby hotty the first three episodes, and then tonight BAM! She shows off a body that you never dreamed could look that good. 10/10