
The first experience with the hair gel was brilliant. Jemaine's look upward shows how expressive he can be for such a boring guy.
Is that right, boring? They're naive and the accents are flat, but does that equal boring?you know what I mean, right?

The graph proves it. Sort of.
The man was quite big and he was taking up three seats if you include his bags.

I had no idea it was Lucy Lawless until the credits, but the entire episode I kept saying to myself, "what a nice-looking woman.".
I loved this episode. It was funny and it was visually compelling. That's plenty for me.

Carol Brown was a great song and a great video. Add Demon Woman to that list after tonight.

I'm not a Patton Oswald fan - nothing against him, either - and I thought this episode rocked! The look-alike gag worked it's way into the plot and was the source of neverending comedy. And the glitch in the matrix was a great idea - which now gives Patton Oswald a special place in my heart. Dave knows about the

Best ever
I will overstate the obvious and be the first to hereby declare this the best half-hour of Tv ever.
It's rather surprising considering this season's first handful of episodes were much weaker than most of last season's episodes. The songs were two of the best ever both visually and production-wise.

"In the Dark" has some good songs.
To make a baseball analogy, it's Roger Clemens on the Yankees. Very impressive and finally exposed to the largest possible media, but about 10 to 15 years past its absolute prime.
The Grateful Dead 70-76 were like Roger Clemens during his Red Sox & Blue Jays years. (And to take the

I went through at least three copies of this tape. The first one was black and had the Capitol Records rainbow trim that made it look like an album. Then I got a bright orange one when the first one blew out. Then a bright blue one.
My friend had lime green.

I get my Rhondas and my Wandas mixed up. It sometimes throws me off a bit when I'm watching the show.

Sex fiend and Ana
Is Frankie really a sex fiend? I thought he was with Wanda and Wanda was a virgin. Was there an incident at Juniper Creek that got him labeled as a sex fiend?

Horror movie
Anyone know what horror movie they were watching?
I'm not up on my horror movies at all.

That's Jamie Lee Curtis aka Ms. Activia

Jim Anchower,
No need to hide behind a silly alias like Debaser. We know it's you. And if you were going to use an alias, I'd expect something better like Speedwagon.

family matters
One of the constant themes of this show is 'how much will you stick up for a family member when your conscience knows your family member is wrong?'
Barb struggles to keep on decent terms with her mother and sister because they don't buy in to her polygamist life with Bill. She has chosen a new

tough times, great episode
Things look desperate for the Henricksons right now.
Anyone think they'll actually fall apart?
I give it two more episodes before things turn back in their favor.

Guns n Roses (and you guys should watch "The Five Obstructions")
Get Izzy, Slash, Axl, and Duff back together and I don't care if Steven Adler is back on drums or not. They'd rock the fuck out of every city they bothered to show up in.

Pam & Michael banter made me laugh
Pam: "Can I turn on the radio?"
Michael: "No. I need silence or Sam Kinison to prepare."

Has there been iPhone product placement before?
I'm a fan of Apple, the iPhone, and 30 Rock so I've got no problem with it. It just seems like Jack Donaghy would definitely be a Blackberry man. Lemon being an iPhone user makes more sense.

Seagal was so entranced
You could have knocked him over with a feather.

Dave Chang seems both good-natured and unflappable.