
Liev looks like a young Barry Melrose in this. Count me in as I think Liev Schreiber is great and Barry Melrose is a demigod.

Don Swayze!
No mention of don swayze as a fearsome boater/pirate? I saw him and now I'm certain that the Patrick Swayze death is just a hoax like Elvis and Jim Morrison. Swayze lives on as Don Swayze! And life is good!


Mocha Joe is reminiscent of "Joe Mayo" from Seinfeld. Same cadence, but inverted. And Joe Mayo was always referred to as Joe Mayo, never just "joe" or "mayo."
I was tickled every time I heard someone say "Mocha Joe." And I thought this was finale was a solid A, and a great way to put "Curb" to bed until they do a

dissenting opinion
I laughed a few times tonight, but this episode felt way too much like a conventional sitcom. One character (Dee) makes a comment to roommates (Mac & Dennis) which inspires them to try and not spend every minute together. This exact plot seems like it could have been an episode of "Friends" with

He sounds miserable
I normally read every word of AV Club interviews, but after a while I started skimming this to see if he had anything to say that wasn't terribly pessimistic or self-loathing. No luck whatsoever.
If you hate your own music, well, what's the point?

I agree with many of the points made, especially how the first 2/3 of the documentary focuses on Len Bias and then the last 1/3 takes a detour into the political reaction. I think that is an important component to the story, but it may have made more sense to introduce the pre-overdose cocaine culture earlier in the

Forbidding masturbation is probably nearly impossible to enforce, but I'm sure the idea is that true sex addicts would simply become addicted to masturbation if sex with another person is not allowed.
And it seems a little strange that cigarettes and coffee become the last refuge of most addicts. Makes me think that

Henry Francis NEEDS 'Betty as his wife is he is going to campaign for political office. In 2009 gay men get married in order to present a "traditional family" when they run for political office. Being a single man presents too many "why is he single" questions to the public.

Joan's comment about her husband (1) let Roger know that she was still the wife of a doctor, and (2) let the audience know that Dr. Harris had taken a job in the ER.
In regards to #2, I guess he got out of joining the military somehow?
Or is she fibbing about where he is to (a) make him sound like he still has his old

The teacher could come crashing through the door ANY second! That's how Don Draper has lived his life for the past ten or fifteen years. It's brilliantly written that the tension in Don's everyday life is both heightened and relieved in the conversation where he has to explain to Betty who he truly is and the life he

"I've eaten horse." Says quite a bit about Dick Whitman. The fact that he lets that nugget bleed into his Don Draper persona is interesting for a handful of different reasons.
This was The Big Episode of the series thus far. It came through like Don Draper at a key client pitch meeting: A+

It's fun to say bare midriff. And Larry used the phrase "bare midriff" at least twice. Bare midriffs are hilarious!

This episode was insane, but pure insane Seinfeld/Curb universe funny. Re the bair midriff incident: Elaine claims that Larry lives in LA - just like her - but Jerry says no. Larry "lives in his own mind."
I give it a solid A+

Larry asking if the Chinese toddler might have a hereditary talent in using chopsticks is politically incorrect, but perfectly plausible. It's similar to if he had said "I bet she's gonna be great at math." It's actually kind of a positive stereotype, but most people feel above acknowledging that they actually use

Either that, or they're both stoned. Like super-duper baked. I've heard that these guys smoke their fair share of pot, and this interview seemed to reinforce that rumour to me.

I guess I'm in the minority b/c I thought Matt Damon was just as bad as the usual Entourage crew. He played one note the entire episode: total prick. And I never believed it for a second.
Pretty chintzy/tacky that they sorta got Bono, but the only way they could really get him on the show was via a Mac laptop cam.

How do you handle a hungry man? A Manhandler!

Range Rover
I'm relatively new to this show, and since all of these characters are such fuck-ups, I have to ask: Who's Ranger Rover were they driving? That's a $60k SUV and not something you can rent on almost any corner (like a U-haul).

How about $37?
I'll raise the bidding by $2 to match Hernandez's jersey number when he played for the Cardinals.