
I saw a guy in the gym locker room with LOSER tattooed in big 8 or 10" letters across his back.

bad movies?
I thought "Run Ronnie Run" was hilarious for the first 50 or 60 minutes, then just ran out of steam.

I'm first!

Say hello to Judge Ito!

Shelley Berman is funny on "Curb Your Enthusiasm" but John McEnroe was a fucking riot on his guest appearance.
No way the Emmy voters would give a statue to a guy who already owns all those tennis trophies.

You can have Tina Fey, I'll take Mary-Louis Parker
"doesn't it seem like Tina Fey has to work a lot harder than the others in this category?"

AMC starts re-airing all of Season 1 in a Mad Men marathon this weekend. I think it's on Sunday. Then Season 2 starts the following Sunday.
I'm excited.
I've watched all of Season 1, but I'm going to watch it again because it was really THAT enjoyable.

I'm surprised/disappointed that there's only the brief blurb about the Misfits. I'd noticed the Fiend Club logo on the wall behind the vinyl and hoped that indicated a strong Misfits allegiance.

Great book for people who loved the movie
I read the book after I'd seen the movie about 20 times. And I actually ended up liking the book better than the movie.

This film title describes every day on the AV Club message board.

7 words

I'll submit "Abbey Road" as my favorite Beatles album and a great 10 song album.

10 songs
Good to see some big-time artists embracing that 10 songs is the perfect length of an album. Five songs on side A, five more on side B.

Comic View
I finally got through all these Yo Mama snaps to discover nobody sticking up for Comic View.

I've never heard of this guy, so I just pretended it was Harland Williams in a bunch of old-guy makeup.
That picture on the home page looks like cheap movie makeup, so I'm sticking to my Harland Williams interpretation which ends up being entertaining and downright fucking hilarious.

Mad Men
Great to hear Mad Men will be getting the TV Club treatment. Will you start fresh with season two, or maybe review the last one or two episodes from Season One to get newcomers caught up on what's happening?

Harbacks hit the shelves two weeks ago today.

Next up
That cover of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" is hot. I got the hardback version from the public library that had the same cover, and man…

"Check Your Head" is the breakthrough album that popular opinion and journalism thinks "Paul's Boutique" should have been.

head east
No wonder I could never find "Never Been Any Reason" on any Boston album.