
Portishead has regrouped with all the original members and have recorded material for a new album.
New album is sure to be fantastic. Unfortunately, Portishead can be really hit or miss live.

Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton looks like a million bucks in each of those clips that were strewn together.

real 10 things in Esquire
this month's 10 things you don't know about women was "written" by Jennifer Love Hewitt.

My reaction exactly.
I literally said to myself "that sounds insane."

long live Woody Allen!

woody allen is dead
For In Rain Stands Truth

Add me to the list of those who are big-time "Back to School" fans.
The movie has a plucky spirit and Dave & Chainsaw are two of my favorite high school characters of all time.

The more abrasive songs from the original are my favorites on this version. I actually like the Japancakes version of Only Shallow better.

other Snickers
I like Snickers.
I love Snickers Almond and get them whenever I have a choice between the regular peanut version and the beige-wrappered Almond version.

What Vanessa Hudgens did was fantastic. Everyone loves seeing barely legal hot girls get completely naked.

with a strap-on

Her crack dealer is her agent

work that
I would not consider myself a Mary J Blige fan, but I love the "Work That" clip on those iTunes commercials. If the beats and production on the rest of the album even come close to measuring up, I might have to download this into some secret folder on my iPod.

thanks for the advice and the accompanying list. I'll add these to my Netflix queue ASAP.

Jeremy Davies seemed to me like he was playing the part of POW Charles Manson. His character bothered me quite a bit, but I think that was the point.

Classic Joe11

"Cool Hand Luke"
"The Graduate"
"Bonnie and Clyde"
All three of these American classics are from 1967. All three of them are movies which are considered classics that I have actually seen and really enjoyed. And they're all films which still hold up well today as entertainment without requiring a professor to

There's a full paragraph on Week End. You may want to read the essay rather than just look at the list next time.

blake lewis?
At first I misread this and expected something about Lewis Black, but what I got was much much worse.

Well at least the episodes are in widescreen without the pillars on either side.