
Casey is really hot and she's consistently been either the best or near-best weak in and week out. And she seems very humble for a gorgeous Texas chick who's clearly superior to nearly everyone else as a chef. She's the only reason I keep tuning in each week since they sent Tre home.

no matter what
I can't wait to see this.
I guess Christmas is coming early this year.

did the comments section just go all "Memento" on us? Or is it just me?

they still got it
They may be old, but they're still the best three-man rap group on the planet.

Yet another review that can't resist using the word "twee."

"Night on Earth" was the first Jim Jarmusch movie I saw, probably about ten years ago. I thought it was interesting, but awfully slow and not very entertaining.

Dr. Zod Stevens
just admiring the accuracy and insight in your 2nd paragraph.

lovable stoner
Slash is one of my favorite rock stars of all time. He is so cool just being himself. You look at him and see that he hasn't changed in twenty years, yet he doesn't look like a relic from the 80s.

Fugazi hates money.

You know you've chosen the wrong profession when your industry's awards ceremony is held in Bethesda, Maryland.

as far as what Kevin Shields did post MBV:

21st Century
I don't think it is NECESSARY for MBV to get with the 21st century. But if they are going to re-form and create new material, then I think that there will be something innovative in what they do. Just like "Loveless" was innovative in 1991.

My Bloody Valentine has an awful lot to live up to if they decide to get back together.
Kevin Shields will be expected to get with the 21st century AND re-create 1991. If he can do either, this reunion will make me very, very happy.

lou reed on letterman
A few years ago I saw Lou Reed performing on Letterman. He had an Asian man dressed in a karate robe performing karate moves while Lou and his band performed an uninspired song.

will it be any good?
When you need a smug, preppy, 30 something, light-brown haired comedic actor who do you call: Will Forte or Will Arnett? Does Will Forte get all of the parts that Will Arnett turns down?

i saw it
and i liked it.
Although the only parts I distinctly remember a few years later are the umbilical cord scene, the blowjob loving paraplegic, and my favorite:
the line "wow! a LeBaron."

The written review itself is most useful when I have already seen the film/read the book/heard the music.
I can compare my reaction to the reviewer's insights and see where I agree, but also get a sense for what I might have missed.

This story — combined with the story from earlier this year about Bill attending a college house party in St. Andrews, Scotland with a bunch of Norwegians — makes me think that Bill Murray may be completely nuts.

nicky katt = cilantro
I enjoy Nicky Katt when he shows up in supporting roles, but I think you need to be careful watch you wish for. For ten years or so Nicky has been an intermittent treat. His role in The Limey was great, but I think it also worked really well because he provided some comic relief and was like a

but i'll bet
They'll re-brand MTV as Maximum Tele Vision. Or something XXtreme along those lines.
Major TV if Posh Beckham's slang ever catches on in the US.